Saturday, December 23, 2017

Checking Off States

When you go on an epic adventure in a new direction, you want to get the most bang for your buck. We had never gone so far south as Texas, and with the new territory, we wanted to mark off a few more states on our list. Since we were so close to the top of Texas, we decided we should take a day to hit Kansas. To get to Kansas, we would drive through the pan handle of Oklahoma checking off that state as well. A two-fer.

Of course we were looking for interesting stops in these states and it just so happens that Dorothy's house is right at the bottom of Kansas. Quelle chance! As you get closer you see quite a few signs advertising this beloved sight. However in going here, I wonder how old all this stuff is. Perhaps as old as the movie.

The road was literally called 'Yellow Brick Road.'

We found the playground first when we arrived. Always good to let the kids stretch their legs for a moment and take pictures in the cutouts.

We joined a tour that was already in progress. Usually they go to the house first and then the Land of Oz, but we went straight to Oz, which just so happens to be in a big warehouse style building.

Dorothy took us on the tour. There was this cute teenage girl who had memorized her lines and recited them at each room of the tour. I'm thinking this entire warehouse of Oz could use an overhaul. Look how creepy Glenda looks.

In some ways the whole place reminded me of a horror house. You know, one of those old school kind with bad mannequins and everything is old and run down?

This room is the best example. What is even happening in here? I think they are restuffing the scarecrow and shining the tin-man, but they could be pulling the scarecrow apart and sawing the tin-man in half. My children may be scared for life by this scene.

I think it is very fitting that the sign at the end says they 'survived.'

We did get a picture with the whole cast and our stage Dorothy.

After Oz, we went back over to Dorothy's house since we missed the beginning.

Her house was actually pretty cool. They tried to build it to be identical to the original and they filled it with items from around the year 1907. Like this moving picture toy and mustache cup.

It was even complete with edible wallpaper. (Oh wait, that is the wrong movie.)

Outside was the yellow brick road with names of all the people who helped make this place come true.

We went around enjoying the strange statues and looking for our names on the bricks. I think we found a version of everyone's name. (Except mine of course.) But look what I did find. (Check it out mom!)

There was a gift shop that was connected to a museum? The museum was lame. So you were basically paying to go into the gift shop. Not the best investment we've made, but you do things like that on vacation. June took a weirdie of the Wicked witch on Robyn. Clever since I think it was a button she took it from.

I am overseeing all the purchases at the gift store.

Outside we enjoyed the nice weather and stopped to drink some water and do what else?? Well take more weirdies of course. (To be clear, that first one is NOT a weirdie.)

Haha, that last one looks like I'm having issues with my makeup, although I'm not wearing any.

Thus we checked Kansas off the list. Driving back through Oklahoma, there were no good things to stop and see. It was just the panhandle. But we did stop for lunch and it was one of the best meals I had. I can't even remember what I ordered? Maybe a taco salad? But it was a yummy place. Thus we checked off Oklahoma as well.

That was most of the day for us. We are going to the rodeo tomorrow.

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