Monday, December 18, 2017

Fixin to Relax Today

Wednesday in Texas was a pretty chill day. We planned on coming during the XIT Rodeo, but that wasn't until farther in the week, so we had extra days to relax and soak in the scenery and sun. The girls were right back outside playing in the water.

And even though it wasn't always super sunny, Ivory scored herself a sunburn. It happens...even to my darker skinned children.

We less amphibious people stayed inside, played, and took weirdies.

We did find some fun grasshoppers in Virginia's garden. Everyone wanted to hold this guy.

Ivory did great until the grasshopper jumped up on her glasses. She let out a scream that probably startled the neighbors. It was pretty funny.

I'm not sure how she feels about grasshoppers now. Stay tuned for more wildlife from Virginia's garden...

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