Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sweet Saturday

The big draw on Saturday was the XIT parade. People set up their chairs the day before. Luckily, the parade route went right past the bank where Virginia works, so they save that area for employees. So we had great parking and awesome seats. We set out chairs right along the curb because Ginny told us there was plenty of candy that is tossed to the kids.

I however set up a little farther back in the shade of a tree. I love me some shade.

The parade was really fun. I gave Robyn the camera and she takes after her father in the photography department, so there were easily hundreds of pictures by the time she was done. I'll put on some of my favorites. Every good parade needs a marching band.

I think these girls might be some of the Rodeo Queen contestants. I think they had the previous queen and new queen come through as well.

This is a beautiful memorial to those who have served.

The XIT brand is on a lot of things. And who is that guy? Captain XIT?

I am impressed with the huge machines they have. I bet this guy could have pulled all that weight in the tractor pull and then some...

My girls enjoyed the morning. It was hot, but it was nice and relaxing.

Well at least for those who weren't running around grabbing candy. The littles were kept very busy.

Some came through with water guns and sprayers. No complaints for a few drops of agua in the hot morning. I love Daisy's glasses with the spray on them.

And this is impressive. You would think Ivory would have sweaty pits after a sizzling morning, but that is the only thing on her that is dry.

The afternoon was spent relaxing at Virginia's. We played a lot of cards and enjoyed her lovely home.

We did go and see a fiddle competition. There were kids June's age who were very good. I bet she could have given them a run for their money.

In the evening was the free BBQ again. They start this process earlier in the week. They dig huge trenches and throw the meat down inside and cover it with sheets of metal. Then they light a huge bonfire on top and let it cook for days. It is impressive. And look, there are the garbage cans full of veggies. That is actually a smart idea.

Of course we went back to the rodeo again on Saturday night to see how all the riders fared. The bronco and bull riding is so awesome to watch. I believe only one bull was hurt during the event. They are very concerned about safety and taking care of the animals and riders. They give some history of the riders and one guy had broken his back several times and was still riding. If I were him, I wouldn't press my luck anymore.

They did the nickel pick-up again.

We didn't take a lot of pictures. We just enjoyed our time at the rodeo.

I would totally go back to Texas again to enjoy these fun events. I hope my kids have fond memories of this vacation.

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