Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Wrapping Up Our Texas Adventure

Sunday was a very special day. We were able to go to church with Virginia. She is one of the most devoted followers of Christ I have ever met. She is very religious and has an entire wall of crosses in her home and makes her own rosaries. She is Catholic and it was truly a great experience to take our kids to her service. Her church building is beautiful. And the people there were so kind. It was certainly different than the type of church service we are used to, but you could feel the truth of many things that were said. We obviously did not partake of their communion, but it was still an amazing experience overall.

Here is a picture of us before church. You can tell we have been taking over Ginny's house and that we feel right at home. Why else would Daisy be sitting around in her skivvies?

After church we got a group shot. This is the picture we took before Virginia got a better one. At least, I'm hoping it is better than this one.

Pearl drew on her face. I'm not even sure why? She looks pretty sinister.

In the evening, Virginia invited Rodney and his wife over. Do you remember Rodney, or shall I say Rod the Bog? He came and visited with us last year during Directions? He is the owner of Dalhart Federal Bank. (I finally figured out why this picture was so blue. I somehow took it with a blue filter.)

In Texas, Rodney and his wife came over and we played some Caveman telephone. It was pretty funny. I can't even remember what this was supposed to be, but this is Rodney's drawing of the Stallion. (a.k.a. Raging Stallion. It even has a little C for Cazier.) It was a great time and we forgot to get a picture of them. :(

Monday dawned bright and early because we Cazier's get up before the sun to drive. Even Virginia got up early with us to see us off. She is so amazing. We miss her!

Because we were road tripping again, it was time for more weird things. We may have found the strangest thing of all in Colorado. It is an alien lookout. Apparently there are two vortexes in this certain area and they built a watchtower to overlook them. You can read about it here:

This is the view from up above. I'm not exactly sure where the vortexes are supposed to be, but there is a 'garden' or sorts built in an interesting shape.

We walked around and viewed all the weird stuff people have left.

Super strange. Look at some of the treasures we found.

We were there a little early in the day. No one was at the gift shop, which is a shame, but the local aliens were friendly enough.

And we seemed to fit right in.

Wait, there is a UFO as we speak. I knew it was all true.

We also left a donation and asked for special protection on the future husbands of our girls. (You are welcome guys...whoever you are.) Look at our awesome green pen by the octopus.

And we took a picture in the strange alien coach. Might as well do it all while you're there.

This is how the place looks from the highway. Who wouldn't be drawn in by the alien beach beauty??

That place may have had more of an effect than I thought. Ivory is looking rather alien.

Other weird things...we saw another bank Tyler works for. That isn't weird in itself, but the picture took itself backward. That is a little weird.

We saw this cool dinosaur but he was in the middle of a roundabout so we just drove around several times instead of getting out.

We did stop at another place to see a war memorial, but before we even got there one of my favorite memories happened. We passed these three colored fire hydrants. I thought it was funny they would be clustered together, so I told the three kids next to me to go stand by one.

Then I told them to make a funny face.

Then I told them to stand on them and jump off on the count of three. One...Two...Three...

Wait, what happened to Robyn?

Turns out her hydrant fell right over. Oops. It took almost all of us to put it back up. It was really heavy. Once we put it right, we quietly snuck away while giggling uncontrollably. Right over to a war monument where you are supposed to be reverent.

We pulled it together. I'm not sure about these statues. Something is wrong with their arms.

This flag is really cool.

Group shot everyone.

In that last picture, you can see a Rib City Grill in the background. We thought it would be good to stop for some cheese fries and snacks there. And then to take weirdies of Daisy.

Anything else? Not really. Just a lot of driving. We saw this McDonald's that couldn't be bothered with the second arch.

June had a parade of animal crackers crawling across her.

Dad stretched out in the car to give his long legs some space.

And I found an awesome dragon cloud. Can you see it??

We arrived safely back in Utah to our house and beds that we missed so.

There is no place like home. Thanks Virginia for making this one of the best summer trips we have ever had!

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