Tuesday, January 23, 2018

39 ish

Welcome back to the present. As per my goal, I am trying to keep up with current events. There is nothing major happening right now except...our birthdays!!

Actually, that isn't major either. As I've gotten older, I've cared less about my own birthday. I usually will accept any excuse to go out with friends (but that is true all year) and I will often buy myself something I want. Happy birthday to me.

I've always kept my birthday and Tyler's separate, probably from some futile hope to keep mine special. But it usually just means two cakes and more work for me. So this year, I apologized for all my selfishness and asked if we could just celebrate together. Naturally Tyler was game. I think he was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Now he didn't have to pretend to plan anything.

We were going to choose a day in between our birthdays to party, but ironically, the only days we had time in the evening that week were MY birthday or HIS birthday. So we just settled on his.

However, my day was still special. The littles made up some songs and dances for me. They are so cute. I wish I had recorded the second one. They changed the words to a song and it was so cute.

Tyler and I went to lunch for my birthday. We tried out Chubby's because we had heard good things about it. The scones were delicious, but it was too heavy for me. I actually felt a little sick in the evening. I think I would not recommend it.

I made the girls play games all day. Well, at least Robyn and June. We had such fun. I won my fair share and lost a few too. Especially when we played Speak Out. I never win that game. I don't think my mouth is big enough.

For dinner, I chose grilled cheese because I like them and they are easy enough that the girls can make it for me. Look at my cute silverware. They love me. That must be why the knife is pointed right at me...

Now fast forward a few days for the birthday boy. I was out shopping and ran across this creepy cupcake. I actually thought about buying it and putting it in the place of Birthday Bear to see what the kids would do. But my good mom side won out.

Tyler wanted steaks for his birthday and didn't mind cooking them, so I was totally on board. Oh, it snowed on his birthday, but that didn't stop him from making world class steaks.

I made some pina coladas the night before so we made them again but added mango this time. I like the original more. Man, they were thick. You could turn them upside down and they just sat there.

When dinner time came, we had extras with us. No worries, the more the merrier. And amazingly, I had bought just enough steaks. Well...one steak isn't really enough when Tyler makes them, but we all were happy with what we got.

Plus, it saved room for cake. I made a 'Better Than Anything Cake.' Yum. And because we were going to celebrate when we were the same age, I got these candles.

It was three candles. So Tyler and I each blew out the candle on our side. Just so you know, it isn't easy to blow out only one candle, but we each did it. Impressive.

And then we blew out the last one together. I'm so lucky to have this guy by my side.

We bought Snake Oil for the family and played it that night. We came up with some great products. June and I only did well by pooling our cards and picking out what we liked. (Technically cheating, but hey...it was my birthday...sorta.) Together we came up with some great things like the 'Urge Bowl,' and the 'Bacteria Shell.' I think this game would be better played in pairs.

Check out some of our gifties. I got myself some new nylons. I got a pack of six pairs of different fancy black ones. I wore one pair on Sunday and got so many comments. I really love them.

My mom sent me car hooks. I love those too. I already use them all the time. Now, if I could just get the kids to leave them alone...

And Tyler got some more gun stuff. Bet you can't guess where he is going soon. Yep, right back to Front Sight. But he will be well outfitted.

As you can see, we had great birthdays this year. I am most happy that I have good health and a great family.

p.s. Mom Cazier sent me a card and some money for a new dress. I haven't gone shopping yet, but it is only a matter of time...

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