Friday, January 26, 2018

Cazanniversary 2017!

We made it another year in the marriage ring. We make a great team, and it is rare that we have to tag our partner to go in for us. We seem to be a well oiled machine. But even machines need maintenance and repair and so we make sure to take good care of our marriage and have a day each year that we celebrate our union. We call it an anniversary. We highly recommend it.

I had just gotten back from Minnesota and was getting into my routine when our anniversary came along. There are a couple things we try to do each anniversary.

1) Plan our dates for the year.

2) Do our photo shoot.

We don't always get them both done on the same day, but that hardly matters. This year we grabbed lunch and went to a park to enjoy the weather and start planning dates.

That selfie in the sun was so bright, we took another because we couldn't see the first one. Seems they both turned out okay.

Our dates last year started well but fizzled out, mainly because of ankle surgery and the busyness of life. This time around we are trying to plan farther in advance. Everything on our list is doable, we just have to make time for it. I guess that is the trick in marriage...making time.

Some of the things scheduled for this upcoming year are glass blowing, a mini trip, a motorcycle class, and shooting pool. I'm very excited.

For the rest of our anniversary, we went and got a couples massage. I don't mind a good massage but Tyler really loves them. I'm happy that he is happy. And I'm glad I didn't get stuck with a guy this time around. We had two women masseuses. Much better.

We went to see Victoria and Abdul. I certainly do not know much about Queen Victoria. The movie was very interesting, although possibly not as factual. I love Judy Dench. She reminds me a bit of my Grandma Pat. I sure wish my kids could have met her. (My Grandma, not Judy Dench.)

We did our photo shoot another day when we had more time. I actually went to the same area where I took June's pictures because it was so lovely. I think we are still a pretty good looking couple.

I think this one is going on the wall. It is my favorite and a little different than the others we have had. Always good to mix things up.

Eighteen years. Not bad, huh? Tyler likes to say that our marriage in an adult now. It took us a while to grow up. But however you look at it, we have had a lot of fun along the way.

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