Saturday, January 27, 2018

Studio Art

June has been taking art every semester she has been in Junior High. If you take it all year every year, you can do Studio Art your ninth grade year. Mostly this class is coveted for the ceiling tile you get to do your final year. Only Studio Art kids get to do those. It is a pretty cool distinction to have your art on the ceiling somewhere in the school.

June has loved art and I have loved watching all her creations. When she started Studio Art in the fall, one of the first things they did was have a shirt logo design contest. Everyone made a Studio Art logo and then they voted on which design to put on a t-shirt. I'll save you the agony....June didn't win. However, I thought her design was the best. Well, I only saw her design and the winner, but I liked hers more. I think she heard that her design came in second place, but the top design won by a good margin. Here is June's cute design. I thought it was so creative.

The design they ended up going with was good too. Look for it in the following pictures. The ninth grade class usually does a field trip to the zoo to take pictures of animals and then they draw animals for one of their projects. It is actually quite hard to get a day scheduled for the zoo, and all chaperones have to be fingerprinted to do that field trip. Mrs. Hunter had already asked if I could help since my fingerprinting was done a while ago. But she was not able to schedule the day she needed, so she came up with a new plan. Instead, the yearbook and Studio Art classes combined and went to BYU. I was still invited although I was the only parent on the trip. (The teachers were there too making three adults. It was an easy group of kids though.) The kids behind me on the bus were a little rowdy though.

We started at the MOA and learned a lot about photography in a tour downstairs. June had my camera since she was taking pictures for Studio. But I got a couple in the foyer. I still love the rainbow string up above.

Can you see Hannah? What a photobomber.

After the museum, we headed over to the Cougar Eat and got some lunch. Hannah got Chick-fil-a and was so mad that the lady gypped her 50 cents. She talked about it for the rest of the day. It still comes up, months later, how annoyed Hannah was with that lady who took her money. :) June and I just got pizza...and ice cream of course.

We had a little time outside to kill. These girls crack me up. I love the art crew.

Oh, here are a few more. (If you take one picture, more will come to be in the next one.)

And Christina up close. All these girls make me smile. June has great friends and so many of them do art just like she does.

From lunch, we went up to the Bean Museum. This is where the studio art kids took pictures of animals. All the animals were out and they all held very still for pictures. How gracious of them. June took lots of pictures obviously, but I'm only including my favorites.

This is a numbat. I don't think I knew about this animal, but it is so cute!

I don't know what type of bird this is, but maybe it is related to the peacock. Those purple spots on its feathers are fantastic.

I'm not saying this model of the crocodile is terribly realistic, but I do like the angle June chose for this picture.

Finally, there were a whole lot of monkeys jumping off the stairs outside. I made sure to get a picture of them.

I do like to go on field trips when I can. This was a fun one. Next year I'll go with Robyn too...

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