Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nature: God's Art

In the Autumn, we always try to drive the Alpine Loop when the trees are especially lovely in their display of reds, purples, yellows, and oranges. It is tricky because you have to time it right. The canyon changes a bit before everything else.

We went up the first Monday in October. The canyon was quite lovely. Some of the colors were astounding. However, the actual loop was more yellow than anything. Some people really love the yellow fall colors, but I'm more a fan of the red.

The drive was nice, but the windy roads got to me faster than usual. By the time we reached halfway, I was feeling rather ill. We all got out, and it was freezing. Cold or sick? Which do you choose?

You can see here the lack of fall colors. But the view is still nice.

Tyler got a picture of our crew. Even Pip.

We drove a little further and saw a trail. I was more than happy to stop again. Everyone piled out and walked around while I sat and closed my eyes trying to settle my stomach. Tyler got some fun pictures while they were exploring. You can see why it was cold with a layer of snow on the leaves.

Ivory was happy to keep Pip warm.

Here are some pretty fall colors. What a great variety. 

Tyler let me drive on the way down and the American Fork side seems a little straighter. By the time we were out of the canyon, I was feeling okay again. It is a bummer that I get nauseous on roads. Although if I remember correctly, I think I was trying to read a conference talk for FHE. I can usually read in the car, but not on windy roads. I'll try to keep that in mind in the future.

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