Saturday, February 3, 2018

Playing at the Patch

Back in October, it is tradition to go to our Pumpkin Patch and get pumpkins, but since finding Jaker's last year, there is so much that we must do. This year we went along with the Hulse's and also brought along the twins. The more the merrier.

Smiling faces all around. It was Fall Break so everyone was happy and the weather was delightful.


The first place we go is the corn maze. Everyone grabs a partner and heads in. We try to stay separate until we've been in there long enough and then we race for the exit. I'm pretty sure June and I lost, but it was fun to run around.


There is a mini haystack maze which is fairly simple, but we like to play sardines there. I don't think Ivory was with us. She had gone off with Jane, I believe. But the others of us played several times.

Once I hid outside at the entrance. Looks like Eli and Robyn haven't found us yet.

I was very brave and let other people use my camera. I think Eli had it and I love this picture of me running to find a hider. (Although, don't run. There are lots of little kids wandering about.)

Found everyone.


We always have to climb to the top and conquer this tower.


To be honest, the spook alley is pretty cheesy, but we walked through anyway. And we didn't spend much time at the animal area. We pet a few and then realized there was no hand sanitizer. Gross. But here is a cute picture of Pearl to make you feel better.


This one was new. We love Ninja Destruction and there was plenty of open space to play. At one point, the Hulse's had gotten in line for the tractor ride. So while we were waiting, we played more Ninja. Look at these cuties waiting patiently.

June and Robyn are both very good. It often comes down to the two of them and then it is like a dance.

Radi watched in fascination. With his strange beard.


We had never done the tractor ride before. The line is usually what puts me off, but since the Hulse's were so kind to save us a place, we decided to go. It was actually quite nice and relaxing. The tractor pulls the trailer through the pumpkin patch and part of the corn maze and then back to the beginning. Simple, but nice for young kids...and what the heck, adults too. I took some selfies on the ride and a picture of everyone by the tractor tires. They sure are big.


I don't remember these from last year, but we had a good group for them. I know these pictures won't be big in the blog book, but see if you can see Eli in the second picture. Look closely.


This is always a favorite. We don't go here right away because we would probably spend all our time here. Many people had to be buried...multiple times.


I didn't get pictures of us picking pumpkins. Ivory always chooses one that is too large and we make her put it back. Eventually everyone finds one that seems just about right. We were lucky to have extra hands this time around. All these pumpkins are destined for carving or painting. I hope that will fulfill their life long dream as squash.

Finally we all went to ice cream at Macey's, Hulse's included, although I didn't get very many pictures of them. On the way out of the store, there was a design in the soda can boxes. I like the creativity of stacking them in a certain way to make a picture. This is probably my favorite one ever.

Happy Fall. Stay tuned for pumpkin carving...

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