Friday, January 5, 2018

Fifteen full hounds...won't hunt

So June had a birthday last year. (Probably most of you did.) This year she will turn sixteen, but I don't really want to think about that, so let's go back and look at her last birthday instead.

Fifteen is a pretty big milestone. Well, every birthday for June is a milestone because she is our oldest. (I wonder if that ever gets old for her. [no pun intended]) June's birthday was on the weekend and a Conference weekend at that. So we had a party for her the day before.

June has a large group of friends, so it is always a hefty crowd when she entertains. June decided to make shirts for her birthday. She spent some time coming up with a fun saying to put on the front. Because it was around Halloween she opted for the fun phrase, "Watch out, I bite" with lips and vampire teeth. The girls had a good time inking their individual shirts. Here they are drying.

I tried a new game with the girls called 'Four on a Couch.' Usually this is a boys against girls game. We only had a large group of girls, so June took electrical tape and put a piece on each girls forehead. We had the yellow team and the black team. It was actually quite fun and you could see the gears turning in the girls heads as they tried to place the right person on the couch. I could tell it was a hit because they wanted to play again, but we had other games to play.

We made a large candy ball. Kathryn (my sil) was my inspiration for this one. She did this for a family event and it was a blast. Keep rolling the dice until you get doubles and you can take the crazy cellophane ball away from your neighbor and take your own turn trying to madly unwrap it before someone takes it from you. Hopefully during that brief time, you unwrap some candy.

We also played 3 Deep because that is one of June's favorites. I can't even remember who won. Who cares really? It is just fun to play.

Then June opened her gifts. This picture is strange. It looks like a giant seance and June is channeling a necklace at the moment. Everyone....stare at her and try to connect to a favorite piece of jewelry you've lost...

June got some good loot. Happy is she with many friends.

We ended the evening with a game of One Night Werewolf. We had never tried this many people before. It was a bit weird, but it mostly worked. Yes, that is Eli on the couch. He came over and hung out even though he was gravely outnumbered. He didn't seem to mind.

Alright. 3, 2,

Looks like you are in trouble Robyn. We all know you are a werewolf.

The party was a great time. I really love all June's friends. The next day we celebrated by watching hours of General Conference. Who doesn't want to do that? Don't worry, we still did a couple birthday things. Like balloons...

And cake. Make that cheesecake with strawberries on top. Look at June soak in the glory of her day.

June was able to go out with Dad for her birthday lunch, although once again...not on her actual birthday. They went to Bam Bam's. I haven't been there, but I hear the BBQ is delicious.

June and Tyler even spied a famous celebrity.They were too chicken to go ask for a photo, so they just took one from the counter. Can you guess who it is?

If I told you he were from Studio C, can you guess now? (Probably not if you don't watch Studio C.)

It's Jeremy! So fun to see that he eats lunch like a normal person. In fact, he probably has some BBQ in his mustache right now.

Also not on her birthday, but very important because of hitting 15, June was able to get her driver's permit. She took online tests until she stopped failing them. And then she went in and passed the test on her first try. You go girl!

Now you really can go. It is a little weird to see her on that side of the car. I guess I'll just have to get used to it. There is no going back now.

June is pretty stellar. I love that she is growing up into such an amazing person. She is so much fun to be around. I laugh all the time at her funny jokes and smile at her stupendous personality. Who uses the word stupendous anymore??

One last picture so that this post has 15 photos. Here is June 10 years ago on her birthday. Not much as changed. She still likes cake.

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