Friday, January 5, 2018

Colonel Conference

A General outranks a Colonel, but probably only because it is spelled better. Why don't we just cut our losses and spell it Kernel? It will still sound the same and children throughout the nation will be able to pronounce it.

General Conference is always a great time of year. This last Conference was no different. It was sad that Elder Hales passed away during Conference, but I feel like death is just a great reward for these righteous dedicated men. They are returning to be with family and loved ones.

We tried something new this time around. We had all the pictures of the Apostles on the mantel and when it was their turn to speak, we ate a candy that was in front of their picture. It was really fun although I learned that it was too much candy. Even the kids were overloaded. The girls had to fill out a slip of paper about what the person spoke on before they could have the candy, and I enjoyed reading the papers. So it was still fun, but a little too sweet.

We obviously did some stitching. Wouldn't feel right (for me) without it.

The Conference Wall is still doing its thing. We had some good contenders this time around and I'm especially impressed with Pearl who got many done right at the end. But it doesn't matter if it comes down to the wire as long as you finish.

Here was our group that went out for milkshakes. Five out of seven isn't bad.

What is this face that Tyler is making?

And it is almost required to have at least one weirdie. After all, a conference dinner was where it all started.

What a spiritual feast. Now we can start counting down six more months to the next one.

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