Tuesday, January 9, 2018

September Phone Dump - Part One

As we transition from crazy summer to hectic school year, you will notice that there are less solid posts. Instead, we have lots of random things happening in our busy schedules. Luckily, we still take pictures, but that means the phone dump is quite generous. I had enough pictures for September that I decided to break the post into two. Just because...I can.

So let's jump into this first half.

At the very beginning of September I helped host a baby shower for a friend in our neighborhood. I really didn't do hardly anything. I brought a few decorations and fruit for a yogurt parfait. I thought the decorations turned out so cute. Silvia simply printed out water color pictures. I never would have thought of that.

Behind our house was the sport court. I have some fond memories of the sport court. Mainly playing four square out there and Easter egg hunts. We never used it much since it wasn't our property. Finally it sold and just like that someone started to clear the land to put up a house. It is a strange sized lot, but our city is growing like crazy and even a pizza shaped lot can be used. Here they are clearing out lots of the trees. Goodbye forest behind my house.

I mentioned that we went to the occasional football game to support the twins. Tyler took Robyn this time around. Good thing because although he is not a jock, I'm pretty sure he knows the rules better than I do.

The Wright's invited us over for a game night. It was so fun. I feel like they often introduce us to some of the best games. We played Snake Oil which was really fun and right at the end, we split up. Many people went downstairs to do virtual reality and some of us stayed upstairs to play One Night Werewolf. (Little did I know how much that would affect our lives.) I'm glad I stayed upstairs although I did go see one of the screens in the virtual reality. That thing is pretty cool.

Pearl lost her first top tooth. It looks so gross when it is barely hanging in there. She was cute and wrote a note to the tooth fairy on her bag. Love her gapped tooth grin.

Here are a couple of weirdies for the road. Man I look good with a gorilla nose.

I believe in August we started the epic project that was tearing down the fence. To help you see the longevity, the project still isn't done and it is January now. Granted, once it got cold, we couldn't dig any more holes. It has all been done in stages. On the day Tyler was pulling out the wooden stairs, he unfortunately found some wasps. They didn't appreciate his presence and showed him in kind. Tyler's arm did not like the sting and showed it by swelling and becoming quite hard and warm to the touch. Ouch. This picture doesn't even do it justice.

Tricia and I still manage to catch the occasional play. We went out to see Pillow Talk. It was really fun to see on stage.

We saw the twins a lot over the summer. And we saw them a lot right after school started. And then they missed a couple practices because they were at our house and they were grounded from us. Granted, we still see them plenty but I think they are on permanent probation from us. So it is nice to have an excuse like marimba practice for Radi to come down.

Have I mentioned that Pearl sleeps with her eyes a little open? It is super creepy and sometimes I can't tell if she is really asleep. She usually is because she doesn't fake sleep like Ivory. This isn't the best picture of her half slit eyes, but it was my attempt. By the way, it is pink because she has a neon clock that glows at night.

Auditions for the Fall Musical were right after school started. They did it differently and had candidates send in a video of their singing. Robyn sent in a video and it payed off. She got a  part in the play. They did Peter Pan Jr. Robyn got the part of one of the fairies. I laughed when I first saw her part because it said Silvermist. That is a Disney fairy and not in Peter Pan, but they took some liberties. This is a very blurred version of the list, but you get the idea.

It was cute because Robyn's best friend tried out for the play as well. They both didn't know the other had tried out, but they both got the part of fairies, so they were able to spend a lot of time together.

I went to watch one of Danja's volleyball games which consequently led to one of the weirdest experiences. At the game I sat by Curtis, my neighbor. We got talking about parking and cars being towed. I told him that if he ever saw my car parked in the wrong place, he should move it. I told him where I kept my spare key in the car and he thought that was pretty funny. He left for a minute and Ivory and I put a selfie on his phone. Haha.

Here is Danja playing by the way. She is awesome!!

Fast forward later in the night. I left her game, picked up Christina and went to see part of the twins football game. (Double duty.) When I left the football game, my car had been moved. Moved! It wasn't moved far...just one row and a few spaces over, but it freaked me out. I couldn't even find it at first and Ivory was the one who pointed it out.

Well I laughed because I knew Curtis had moved it. He probably found that selfie and was taking his revenge. Except after many texts and conversations, I found out that he hadn't moved it after all. Creepy. I never did find out who moved my car, but I don't keep my spare key in there anymore. (And Curtis didn't find the picture until a week and a half later.)

Whew, that is only half the month. We'll finish up in part 2. May your car never be moved by a person other than yourself...

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