Thursday, January 11, 2018

September Phone Dump - Part Two

Let's get the rest of the month on here. Well, the month of September to be specific.

I still do lunch bags almost daily during the week. Most of my creative ideas have run out, but there is still a set that will make me laugh and want to take a picture, like this one...

When the younger girls were signing up for after school ballroom in Sep, they were guaranteed a spot only if they brought a boy with them. I guess this is common practice. It doesn't mean that boy will be their partner, just that the program is always in need of more boys. Ivory had a few friends that were considering it so Ivory wrote them a list of prompts so it would be easier for the boys to ask their mothers. Man, when I found this paper, it really made me laugh.

Sorry, it is probably hard to read so I'll write it down below here as well. This is how a conversation would go.


Boy: Can I do after school ballroom classes?

Mom: Sure!
Mom: Why?

Boy: The class needs more boys in order to compete. I wanted to help and I also have nothing going on on those days. The days are after school....blah, blah, blah. Is it okay with you if I go?

Mom: Okay.
Mom: Is someone asking you to do this?

Boy: There is a girl in my class who would really like to do ballroom and compete. I want to do this anyway. It is SO not because of her. I'm only in sixth grade? So can I do it? Is it okay with you?

Ivory: If she says no again or asks a different question, I'm sorry. I thought of the main questions and possibilities. If she says no after the last one, you probably won't be able to do it at all. Unless you have your own backup and plan to tell her something else or exactly how you feel about the whole thing. Remember, this is just a guideline.


Wow, very thorough. This is just how Ivory is. It really makes me laugh that she has to prompt the boy to confess that he doesn't like her. After all....he is only in sixth grade. :)

The school carnival was in Sep. Can I just say the carnival is not my favorite. I always try to volunteer to help out but it usually doesn't go as I plan. Last year, I spent almost all my time dishing up food. That wasn't so bad, but I missed all the auction stuff.

This year, they put me at the big blow up slide for the second half of the carnival. So you guessed it. I missed all the auction stuff again. And I did not enjoy the slide. The kids could buy a wrist bracelet and then go as much as they wanted. Or they could pay tickets to go twice. Well, it is hard to keep track of kids who are trying to be sneaky and go more than twice. Then tons of little kids come over and don't understand the ticket rule so they just want to go on the slide because it looks fun. And of course their parents aren't around, so I am just the mean lady who won't let them on the slide. At the same time, make sure that no one is going up the slides instead of down and then do all this for two hours. Ug. I will request to NOT have the slide next year. Maybe I won't even volunteer. Couldn't I just enjoy the carnival once?

The kids seemed to have a good time. Pearl got her face painted.

June and Hannah had my phone half the time, so I got fun selfie's like this one.

Here is Ivory on the slide with her friends. She used tickets. I don't buy wrist bracelets.

I think Ivory helped out with the carnival to get Student Council volunteer hours. I'm pretty sure she ran a booth by herself and later helped where she could. I was proud of her. Although she came home with zombie hair. Not sure why anyone would choose this color.

When Radi comes over, sometimes he will put on any items he sees lying around. Here he is with a headband, necklace, and bracelet. He is so pretty. (Yes, that is Eli dabbing in the background.)

We got a new fence. But it isn't up yet. Tyler is doing all the work himself, so it is a bit of a process. But it was cool to see the fence arrive. That is a lot of stuff to unload. Tyler still can't park in the garage because of bags of cement in there.

Tyler and I were put in charge of a ward game night. They must know we like to play. It was mostly lawn games, so we brought stuff like Kubb and someone else brought Cornhole. I borrowed giant Jenga from a friend. I thought it would be bigger but in retrospect, you need to be able to reach the top and keep stacking. It was really fun. I can't remember how the game ended, but I'm pretty sure I won.

Tyler took the scouts to his friend, Brandon's, house. This particular friend makes knives. Really cool ones. They all watched the process of making a knife and then Brandon gave the finished knife to Tyler. It is epic. I believe he sells his knives for hundreds of dollars. Tyler is proud to wear it. Sorry I don't have a better picture of the actual blade.

Love this braiding train I found in the computer room one day. I think that is Abby and Ember. I know that Radi was the caboose. He is getting pretty good at braiding.

Robyn and I went on our date to Puppy Barn. I found my dog. I can't remember what breed she is now. She was so snuggly and sweet. I named her Karma. I would have bought her right there if I could have. However, with no fence, and knowing we were getting Pip soon, we didn't get her. But I sure wanted to. So someone else has Karma now. I wonder if they know they have my dog??

Robyn's band teacher studied at BYU and her professor recently retired. For his send off he did a performance and had a lot of his students come and play with him. Mrs. Taylor was playing so she invited all her students to come and watch as well. Tyler took Robyn over and I brought Radi shortly after. It was quite a fun evening with some amazing percussion playing. And we saw a lot of people that we knew who had come to watch.

Robyn took tennis last fall. It was a new sport she wanted to try. She really enjoyed it. Granted, her play rehearsals often were at the same time, so she had to choose one or the other. It was fun to watch her learn some new skills. I wouldn't say she is a pro yet, but she is getting better and better.

Daisy and Pearl found our Firby and Worby guys. They are basically fluffy, fuzzy balls. They fit nicely under a shirt if you are pretending to be pregnant. These two look hilarious. Someday they might be able to replicate this picture. (Much later though.)

Phew, we are almost at the end.

While we were pulling up some of the wood on our patio, we discovered some families down below. First, the family of snails. This was not that surprising. We find snails all over the yard. I knew that many lived down below.

We also found a family of mushrooms. June was thrilled since she needs encounters with fungi for her biology class. Who knew kids could get so excited about mushrooms?

We made it through. October is coming up with all its Fall glory and Halloween madness. Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. That instruction manual of Ivory's is hilarious. Did she ever find someone to go with her and take the ballroom dancing? When I worked at the carnival I was usually in charge of button making. I can vaguely remember getting my own button maker, but if so I don't know where it is. Buried somewhere in our house would be my guess. Sounds like you had a busy September.
