Saturday, February 17, 2018

October Phone Dump 2017

Look at me go! Another month taken care of, and still keeping up on current events. I have a hopeful goal to be all caught up by Spring Break. Hmm, okay, caught up by summer. That is probably a more realistic goal.

There are so many fun memories caught in a certain month. I'm glad that I put all the bits and pieces on here. It is like the beverage to a meal. It isn't a main course, but it fills up all the empty spaces in your stomach. Enjoy these scraps from the month of October last year.

The girls are always turning in art projects. Sometimes I get to see the finished products and other times, I don't. I'm not too worried because I'm sure that every piece they do will end up in the art show in a few months, but I still like to grab a picture if I can. This is June's cardboard art.

Ivory tried out for Student Council. They had a ton of requirements. They finished with an assembly and some fun skits. I took a picture of these girls at the end. They are all great friends and it is nice to see Ivory happy and prospering socially. (They all made it on Student Council.)

Here is one of Robyn's pieces. The silhouette with all the pieces of her personality inside. Yes, there is a big spider on there. That must be in the nightmare side of her brain.

Pip was a new addition back in October. She was newly shaved. She doesn't look like this now. She is a lot fluffier.

These next few pictures are from when I was gone in Minnesota. Dad was in charge and still taking pictures. What a champ. He took our shark shopping. Good thing it is well behaved.

Carpool was still happening even with me gone. Ty sent me a picture to say hi. Don't worry, the picture flipped. June is not allowed to drive non-family members around yet.

Another cute group selfie on Monday evening. I think it was before FHE.

Hahaha. This picture is so weird, but really funny.

More art (in progress) from Robyn. This is the self, surrealistic, and abstract portraits. She got her inspiration for the creepy one from Night Gardener. (Our family book group book in October.)

The orchestra concert happened the night before I returned. I was sad to miss it but Tyler recorded the whole thing for me. Here is the group, a picture of my cute June, and Elyse holding Pearl. Pearl loves all of June's friends.

Robyn is still painting our window. We have had almost a year of fun art. I loved her Halloween painting with the hill from Nightmare Before Christmas.

Sometimes when I bring the groceries home, I like to stack them. June was trying to interrupt my tower. But know, that it would have stood strong if not for interference.

Crazy hair day at school came and went. I actually don't care much about getting the kids all dressed up in certain themes. It is hard enough to get everyone out the door on a normal morning without adding to the chaos. However, Daisy had a fun idea to make her hair look like a cupcake. I approve.

On afternoon, Tyler and I kicked an acorn down to church. Then we found it and had everyone kick it home. It is harder to kick it uphill, but we managed and it was a great group effort. Really, it is the little things that make a family stronger.

Robyn finished out her tennis season. Her final competition was played as doubles with Olivia. They did okay. I think she will do better next Spring now that she has a better idea how everything goes. I think I'm not good at spectating. If I see someone playing Tennis, I want to go play too.

Ivory got dressed backwards the other day. I don't think it had anything to do with school themes. She is just a weird duck to begin with.

Band had a concert too. You already know that Robyn is always in the back. Even during percussion, they were towards the back of the stage. She played Congos and vibraphone during Jazz band. Oh yeah...Jazz Band is new this year. Robyn really loves it. I mostly think she likes having music for two classes of the day.

I feel like this picture would be in stock photography. Robyn was showing me her red tongue.

The activity day girls made sucker spiders. These are probably the only spiders I can support. And maybe jumping spiders.

Some local kids put together the play Pirates of Penzance. It was fun because I had never seen it before. They did a good job, although sometimes it was hard to hear the words. Here are Alice and Steven taking tickets.

The girls found some columns in the building. I love this photo Tyler took.

And a selfie for good measure.

Daisy found one of those random mailer things with a glow number trying to get you to bring it in and check the number. She found a better use for it. She made it a cyborg eye. Love it.

June took a picture of Christina the candy vampire. I think she looks....tasty.

Finally, football season ended. We went to the twins last game. It was fun to watch. I'm glad we went to those games because we haven't made it to any of their basketball games. Mainly because they are not at night. Apparently after school is too busy for us.

So, there are our October moments. I'll leave you with a lovely Autumn sunset. (contented sigh)

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