Saturday, February 17, 2018

Proxy Skate Night

Usually we will try to take the whole family to skate night, but recently, with so many kids, there is always extra stuff going on. If I'm being truly honest, even if there wasn't something going on, I would rather skip skate night. However, I remember loving Skate King when I was little. I have many fond memories of friends and skating and holding hands with boys while couple skating.

The last skate night we had in October, I'm not sure what I was doing, but I was busy with the older girls, and Daisy was either sick or in trouble. I actually think she was in trouble, but when I asked her about it (since it had been a while) she claimed she was sick. Hmmm....

Regardless, Tyler took Pearl and Ivory and ended up with a couple tagalongs.

All these pictures were from Tyler's phone and I didn't feel much compulsion to add them, but once again, I figured the girls would have great memories so they needed to be included.

It looks like they had a great time. I'm not sure where the cupcakes came from, but they looked yummy too. I think roller skating is an essential right of elementary passage.

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