Friday, February 16, 2018

Solo and Ensemble

Every year the orchestra does Solo and Ensemble. Each student has to participate somehow. They can form groups or do solos. They usually scramble to get into groups, but a few people go for the solo or the teacher signs them up. They are scored and some move onto district.

I know that June did a solo one year and a has performed in groups as well. This year she was in a duet with Brooke, her good friend, and she also got roped into helping out the basses in a quartet. They needed a violin and June was available.

She said it was pretty crazy because the three basses play so low that it just sounds like a low cacophony. She would just do her thing. I didn't record it, but it sounded...interesting. The scoring system is 1-4. One is superior and you can get also get minuses. For instance, if you got a 2- that would be just below excellent. June actually never checked her score with the bass trio, but they didn't move on.

June and Brooke played Duet 2 by Ignace Pleyel. Here they are getting ready.

And the song.

I think they did a pretty good job. They scored a 1. However, there were many people who scored high and they didn't move on. They got the first Honorable Mention. Aren't they cute in their matching dresses.

However, one of the solos that moved on decided not to go, so June and Brooke were bumped up. They did okay at district. June said that they didn't play quite as well. They ended up with a score of 1-. Good job ladies. It is really fun listening to them play.

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