Saturday, February 10, 2018

January Flush

Woohoo! January is gone and I am still caught up with what is current. At least mostly. I hope it isn't too confusing jumping back and forth between 2017 and 2018.

I still tend to take a lot of random photos that don't need a post of their own. I usually call them phone dumps, but today it is just a flush. Flushing out all those memories that need to go to a happier place...the blog. Enjoy all the tidbits...

January is one of my favorite months, book wise. All three of my book groups start planning for the year and I have lists of things I'm going to be reading. Sometimes I will order copies so they will be around when I need them. Especially for the family book group because there are four of us reading the same book around the same time. When my thriftbooks packages come, it it like Christmas all over. I'm not sure why Tyler put the bag on his head, but now it is an even better memory.

I know I have mentioned how much I love the kids art. It is one of the things that makes my heart so happy. Robyn was drawing the other day and I took a couple pictures. The first is a sketch of Pip. And the other is a lion.

Speaking of Robyn...she gets the most awesome wings and fluff in her hair. Wings are the pieces on the side that seem to stick out from your head. June gets some great ones too. The other kids don't seem to suffer from them. I'm pretty sure I was the one who passed on the hair fuzz. One day, (I think we were outside playing spikeball) Robyn was standing with the sun behind her and suddenly she had a halo of hair fuzz around her head. She looked like those pictures of Mary with the halo of light around her head. It was epic.

Speaking of spikeball, I heart that game. We play inside when it is too cold, although we played out in the wind and snow today, so whatever works. Tyler took a picture of us playing indoors. (You can't be quite as crazy inside, but it is still a blast.)

Tyler and I have been decluttering. We have been reading some books and seeing ways we can cut back on all the stuff we have. One Saturday, Tyler took all his clothes out of the closet so he could go through them. He ended up getting rid of 2/3 of it. This wasn't surprising to me. I know he doesn't wear half the stuff in there. Now the closet is nice and roomy.

I had to clean out some of the school box and I found this paper of Pearl's. She was given words and she had to combine them into compound words. See any interesting ones?

I am interested in what a tooth teller does. And I need to get me a waterbrush.

I would like to think that Tyler took this picture because I look so peaceful sleeping, but I'm pretty sure it is because he thinks the dog is so cute curled up in the blankets. Lately, she has been peeing on the carpet too much, so she no longer gets to sleep with people. I don't trust her to roam free in the night.

We had a knitting class at church. This was awesome since I want to take up knitting this year. I took all the girls with me. They went to the crochet section and did some chains, although no one felt very confident about it. I learned knitting with only one other person. I didn't get far, but Tricia and I plan on taking some more classes. It will be slow going, but I think I can make some progress in 2018. The goal is a hat. We'll see...

We had a short stint babysitting a guinea pig. Reese's Pieces was actually a very good guinea pig. The girls took her out and played with her every day, multiple times. She had this weird cowlick on the top of her head that made a little indent in her hair. She was a sweety, but I'm glad we didn't have to keep her. One animal peeing on the carpet is plenty.

We have not had a lot of snow this year. So far, only two evenings where it stuck. The only days we have woken up to a nice snowy morning was Christmas and Tyler's birthday. Basically the best holidays of the year.

The older girls and I went out to get some stuff on that Saturday. I tried to take a picture of us with the dusting of snow in our hair, but you can't see it very well.

Daisy is on the Jr. Hope Squad at school. There was a fun assembly with some weird skits. I took this picture of Daisy on the slide show. Her sign says, "Don't let other people tell you who you are." Good advice.

Tyler and I went on a impromptu date. (Oh, our actual 'date' for January was reading a book. We chose The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning to go along with our decluttering. It was actually a really good book, and not too long. That was an essential requirement.) This other fun date was to a show. I had heard cute things about the play, Dear Ruth, so we went to a matinee. It was a very fun show.

On a girls night out, we tried out this new ice cream place called Roll With It. They make Thai rolled ice cream. It was tasty, but I now know that I like regular ice cream more. Hands down.

I still try to go to the temple on Wednesday mornings. I don't always make it but I have been mostly consistent. One particular morning, the temple was so beautiful with the snow. I had to take a picture.

More random art from Robyn. Her Young Women leader is named Camie. She adores her. I do too. She played games with us on New Years. And comes over often to hang out. I guess she just started doodling her name and it turned into a whole page. So cute. I actually drew one of those. You'll never guess which one.

Battle of the books is coming up. It isn't until March, but there have been some practice battles this last month. I went to help out and happened to end up with Ivory's team. I didn't know what her team name was beforehand, but when I found out and saw her poster, it made me laugh.

Seriously, take a closer look at this 'Whalemingo.' (Names have been blotted out to protect the innocent.)

June and I bopped over to an ice cream place while we were waiting for Laser Tag to start. (Laser Tag should be a post by Tyler. I hope he gets it on here.) We went to a place where Curtis works called Rockwell Ice Cream. They have lots of unique flavors. June got Muddy-buddy and I got one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted...Biscoff. Yum...heaven. This kind of ice cream I can get behind. To be clear, I have had Biscoff before, just never in ice cream.

Robyn did the Boom Concert last year. Now that she is older, she didn't do the beginning band number. She played with Symphonic and with the huge mass of kids at the end. There was no seeing her at all this year. Especially when they had three schools on the stage, it was crazy. The kids were packed up there.

 My kids must have misunderstood and heard 'Book' concert, because this is what I saw in our aisle. Don't worry, I think they put them down to listen to one of the songs.

Finally, a cool picture of the moon at the end of January. It was so cool coming over the mountains. Nature can be so amazing. I have seen some really lovely sunrises and sunsets recently as well.

January was a happy month. One down and eleven to go.

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