Thursday, February 8, 2018

Spooks are Out

Halloween feels like a long time ago. Just evidence of how far behind I am. But that is okay. I'm just plugging along. This Halloween (last Halloween) we didn't ever do a real photo shoot. We took a few impromptu pictures right before we went out trick-or-treating, but by then makeup was smearing or worn off and pieces of some costumes were missing. No worries though. You will get the basic idea and I'll put on the pictures from when they went to school as well.

Let's start with Ivory. She knew from the beginning what she wanted to be. I found a fairly inexpensive dress online and it was great quality. Ivory was one happy girl. Beautiful too.

June also knew who she wanted to be early on. We found a good costume online and had fun spraying her hair and getting red on everything.

Robyn had no idea what she wanted to be, so I picked up something at the store for her. Simple, comfortable, and perfect for her...

She made Pip into Batman, or Batdog, or whatever you want to call her.

Amazingly, we have had three children missing both their front teeth at Halloween time. Remember how I talked Ivory into being a vampire? And how I couldn't talk Daisy into being a vampire? Well, I talked Pearl into it. She looked perfect.

Daisy was easy because she found odds and ends to wear and came up with her own costume. She didn't have much makeup on or her chopsticks in her hair by the evening, but she was still cute.

Tyler and I dressed up as Zeus and Hera. Someone pointed out that they didn't have the best relationship. I guess I can be mad at Tyler one day of the year. He is pretty swell the other 364.

This is what a domestic goddess looks like.

I love that the older girls still dress up for Halloween. The younger kids are a given. I dutifully went to the parade at the school, but I'll admit that it is not my favorite. I can probably muster through for a few more years.

Our ward Halloween party was a few days before Halloween. I was invited to a Witch's Night Out the same evening and was debating between the two. Although the girls were invited, no one wanted to join me because they wanted to go to the ward event. But I felt like I should try and go. It was very cute with great decorations and food, but it wasn't as good as being with family. There just is no substitute.

Here are the kids at the ward party. Check out the yarn hair that came with June's costume. It was sparse in the back, which is why we opted for paint on Halloween. There is Silvia. I'm not sure what she is dressed as? Maybe a bag lady...or creepy photobomber?

The spray painted hair was awesome, but it did come off. Look at June's fingers after playing with her hair.

But it lasted long enough to do the job. We went trick-or-treating as a family. Because it was dark I didn't get many pictures. We go the same basic route and try to catch some of our favorite houses. It was a great evening. Tyler and I took our costumes off. It is more comfortable to walk around with coats and warm clothes. I put on Pearl's panda mask so I was still in costume. And I guess Tyler was just a guy out walking his panda.

It was a good Halloween. I always love an opportunity to dress up. And the kids love looking back at their costumes from the previous years. One of these days we'll do a theme with our whole family. Just not sure when that will happen...

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