Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Think of the Happiest Things

Robyn did the school musical last year. I'm not sure if she will want to do the play every year. I think she bases it on whether she is interested in what they are performing. This school year, they did Peter Pan Jr. Robyn was on board. I already posted about auditions and Robyn making the play. You can see her on the cast list in this post.

Her character was Silvermist. Robyn was very excited because she considered herself one of the leads. I'm not sure how accurate that was, but she did have lines and got her own script. She was very dutiful about going to practices, although she did skip a couple to go to tennis. (That is how I knew she liked tennis.)

The play was in mid November this last year. Luckily Robyn did not get sick. She seemed chipper and lively, which is perfect for a fairy. I was able to go to most of her performances. I missed one night because of book group, and I only got to see the whole show once because I helped at the ticket table two evenings. It was a cute play. Here is the group taking bows at the end of the performance. Can you spot Robyn in her blue?

Here are the fairies, minus Tinkerbell. Rosetta is Robyn's good friend. I see her all the time. It was so fun that they got to do this together.

The Indian number was one of my favorites. They had fun clapping sequences and a catchy tune. It wasn't 'What makes the red man red?' I believe it was 'What makes the brave man brave?' Tiger Lily had a awesome solo that was great.

Here are the fairies trying to warn Peter not to open the present. It is a bomb!!

All the cast did a great job. It was very impressed with everyone. It is a cute story to begin with, but they each worked very hard.

I took different people each time I went. This night it was Christina and June.

It gets pretty busy in the hallway. Good thing Robyn is easy to spot.

Tyler and Daisy went on the one night I didn't. And I took Pearl and Ivory the next time around. Don't ask me why we didn't all just go together?

The Saturday performance was full of bloopers. That is normal for any show and the kids took it in stride. The fairies never seemed to have too much trouble. Must be the magic that comes with them.

The singing was pretty great. There is always a mic problem at the school. They really need a new sound system, but I felt that you would hear and understand almost everyone and the group numbers were really good.

Here are the fairies making sure Wendy is asleep so Peter can come in and find his shadow.

Aren't they adorable? The colors are a bit wrong. I'm not sure why they made Iridessa purple, but I guess you just go with what you have.

Cute sisters.

The final performance was the best by far. Everything seemed to go right and the kids were snapping with energy. At the end of each performance they would go out in the hall and sing again while people exited the auditorium. Plays are great for building new friendships and putting yourself out there. I don't know what it will be next year but I hope Robyn tries out again.

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