Wednesday, March 28, 2018

February Phone Dump

February flew by. That is probably because it is short, but mostly because everything is in fast forward all the time. Robyn reminded me that February is the dreaded 'sick' month and true to form, I remember that Pearl was sick. And there were also some mild colds. But (knock on wood) it wasn't that bad. Not nearly the amount of illness we usually have in the short span of days that is Feb.

So let's do some Fast Forward February. And we'll start with Ivory's mouth. She is still losing teeth. But most of them are surprises to her. She will be sitting there and suddenly she will have a tooth floating around in her mouth. This one was actually wiggly beforehand, so she showed me how her tongue could push it halfway out.

Robyn did the window for the month of love. She was so fast. She was out there for a few minutes and came back in with this completed design. So far, it is one of my favorites.

There was not a lot of outdoor Spikeball during the month of February; it was just too cold. But one day, the sun smiled on us and we quickly grabbed the net and ran outside to enjoy a few moments of Spikeball bliss. Ben happened to be with us. He wasn't too bad. He doesn't compare to our awesomeness, but we accept amateurs.

June had me paint her nails one Sunday. Then she immediately was annoyed with how they felt and she wanted to take off the polish. I was sad because I had taken some time doing them, so we took a picture, because it lasts longer.

Have you seen the Greatest Showman? It is pretty epic. June saw it first with her friends and then kept bugging me to go see it. We finally got tickets for the whole family. And we all loved it!! Tyler took this picture. Please ignore my mad face. Apparently that is how I always look when I am watching TV. People often ask me if I'm upset. Yes...I'm upset. Stop interrupting me while I'm watching TV...

We run so fast around here that it isn't weird to find someone sleeping, especially Robyn. I think June has a dozen photos on her phone of Robyn sleeping on the couch. Chances are, if someone is unconscious and producing heat, Pip will think that is a good place to set up camp.

Pearl is also losing teeth, but hers are at the front of her face. I love when they lose them at school, because then they get the cute little tooth holders.

Daisy and Robyn decided to take the great leap in ocular advancements and try out contacts. Since
we switched Ivory and June over to the daily ones, they have been easier to maintain. The eye doctor was telling me that there was no reason for younger kids to wait if they wanted to try them. Daisy was super excited to get them and Robyn was willing so we went for it. What we didn't know is that the daily ones are harder to learn on. Daisy and Robyn spent a fair amount of time trying to put even one contact in. I sat with Daisy and encouraged her since she was the younger child, and she eventually got one in. By that time, Robyn was about done. Her eyes were so irritated. Here you can see the defeat on her face.

Daisy got the second one in after a long struggle, but she was able to take the trial ones home. Robyn had to come back and conquer another day. And conquer she did. Now both the girls can happily wear contacts whenever they want.

I am happy to say that I didn't have to do anything this year with Valentine's boxes. I think it is a silly tradition and it makes me mad when we spend hours putting together something that will be used for two minutes. The girls still made boxes but they helped each other and this Mom stayed out of the whole business. They had such cute ideas and I loved all their boxes. Pearl had a monster, Daisy had a cute giraffe, and Ivory made a starburst.

This winter was sadly lacking in snow. (I say sadly because I know we need the moisture, but I prefer clear roads.) It only snowed once each in Dec and Jan. It snowed again in Feb, on a holiday once more. It sure is pretty.

At work there is this creepy wooden angel. It has nails in its head for hair. I have no idea where it came from or why it is there, but the girls come and visit often, usually for lunch, and it has been the topic of many conversations. In Jan, they started dressing it up. It changes outfits for the holidays. It wasn't finished in this pictures, but it was well on its way to being a happy leprechaun.

Tyler tried taking Pip for a walk. He learned that she does NOT walk. Instead she digs in her paws and strains against the leash. She was so adamant about not walking that she literally wore through the pads of her paws until they were bleeding. That is one stubborn dog. Here she is giving Tyler the annoyed glare after the walk. (Although, that is kind of how she always looks.)

Robyn has a lot of hair, which we have already established. Sometimes when it gets in one of its moods, you just have to take a picture.

Ivory and Alyssa made it to District with their engineering project. They were super excited and hoped to go on to BYU.

However, they did not make it to the next level. In fact, NONE of the engineering projects passed. Does that mean the kids didn't do it right? Were they not very good projects? Or does the engineering side not hold up to the science side? Who knows. The girls still had a good experience and I don't have to do this again until next year.

It is a thing to catch people napping. Here is June, glasses and all.

Skate Night is not my favorite, but I realize it is a right of passage. The little were so excited to go. These are the perfect ages to go and like a boy and pretend to ignore him all night while actually knowing where he is at ever given second of the evening. I brought a book and tried to ignore most of the drama, but I'm glad we went. Here is our crew.

And Alyssa gave Daisy some killer glow shoes. They were so awesome out there on the skate floor. Daisy fit right in.

Finally, one more of Cakes. She is doing well in piano. While I was out of town with Ivory, Tyler took her to lessons and he enjoyed listening to Richard and Daisy play duets. He took a picture and I love it. Richard is an amazing teacher. I'm so happy we found him.

1 comment:

  1. So many things in this post, but what stands out to me is the look on Robyn's face when she's trying to get those contacts in. Priceless!
