Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Heart Attacks

I enjoy activity days. The younger girls can get a bit rowdy, but I really enjoy the 10 and 11 year old girls. We had several girls that graduated right in a row. We lost one in December, one in January and 2 in February. For our last activity with our February girls, we did a heart attack. We were trying to decide whose door we should do, and for one of the people, they chose one of the girls who had just graduated. I think they missed her already.

We had a lot of fun. We brought paper, stickers and markers and I was amazed at how the girls could pump out designs. With only four girls and two leaders, we had a ton of hearts in half an hour. Look at some of the fun times.

Who does this remind you of?

I didn't realize a heart could look like a goatee.

I love how Rebecca used the donut sticker to say, "Donut you want to come back?"

Then we went into stealth mode and delivered the hearts. Check out this door and this was only half of them.

Oh, I forgot that I made pink popcorn for the girls for a treat. It was actually pretty easy and super delicious. I should use that again sometime. But maybe with chocolate and peanut butter next time.

And one more door. I think this house may have had a camera doorbell but there was no light on when we got there, so we decorated quickly in the dark. When I came back to take a picture, the light was on, so I tried to be sneaky and I took a picture from around the corner. You get the idea.

The girls are so fun. We only have three right now, but girls keep getting older and pretty soon, the younger ones will be up in our group. Then of course, the older girls will graduate into Young Women's. Darn that cycle of life.

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