Friday, March 23, 2018

Miniature Ballroom

I feel like I only dropped one shoe with the ballroom post, and here is the other one.

The younger girls are on the same schedule as June. But this post will be in order with the February competition first and the BYU competition second. Since I have already explained most of the procedure, we'll just jump right in. The younger girls wear flowers in their hair instead of ribbons around their waste. Not sure why, but that is how they do it. Ivory was on the purple team and Daisy was on the green team. The flowers correspond with their colors.

Ivory was scheduled to dance Tango with Hudson. I love this picture. She happened to look right up at me.

They did a good job dancing. Tyler came with me to this event which is why I can access youtube. It doesn't like my videos, but it will accept his. A little prejudiced if you ask me.

Daisy was up next. Her designated dance was Swing and her partner was Stone. They changed up partners from the last competition. I was sad to see Daisy lose Henry as a partner.

But they did a good job doing Swing.

Ivory's surprise dance was Swing, so she got to do the same that Daisy just did.

And oddly, Daisy pulled Tango from the hat. So they switched dances.

While they tallied scores, they did the group dance where the boys asked girls they didn't know. I took this picture where you can see both Daisy and Ivory in the throng.

I didn't get any pictures of awards, but the purple (Ivory) team took gold, and green (Daisy) team got silver. They both did a great job. It is based on the entire team, so even if my girls dance very well, they are still included with the other members of their team. All the kids are pretty good dancers though.

After the competition was the Newcomer Cha Cha. During normal dance routines, they can share boys, but for the newcomer events, there is no switching. There aren't enough boys for all the girls, so they chose beforehand and some girls were not included. Sadly, there weren't enough boys for Daisy and she will have another couple of years to participate, so she did not do this dance. Ivory was paired up with Henry. They did a good job. They were called back once, but didn't make the next cut. I was fine with that, it meant we could go home. Those events get really long.

Fast forward to BYU. Our team had to qualify to get there, which they did. And there was still the problem of a limited amount of boys. So once again, Daisy did not get to attend this event. Poor chica. Even Jane got to attend as an alternate, but she didn't get to dance the team event; only the newcomer dances.

We arrived and the girls got their flowers. Our school only had one team and they were white. Good choice.

Here you can see our team as they entered the floor. Jane was carrying the flag (white) and Ivory helped carry the school banner.

For this event there was only one couple per dance, making it a faster event. Henry and Ivory were partners again and they were the designated Cha Cha couple. You can find them in the picture and then you will know where they are in the video.

Their surprise dance was Waltz. I think Ivory was super happy not to draw Swing. She always seems to get that one. They had a run in with some couples in this one, but they do a great job not letting it throw them off.

They had the big group dance after. Check out this awesome face that I caught on Ivory.

Then they announced awards. Team white got GOLD! And not only that, they got the top score in gold, so they went home with the huge trophy. They were so excited. The trophy really was huge.

Here is the team with their gold medals. Good job guys! I'm so impressed, especially at this BYU level.

Hahaha. Love this picture.

But we didn't go home because we stuck around for another newcomer dance...this time Swing. Ivory and Henry did a great job. And you can see Jane and her partner in the video as well, but they weren't called back. There were so many kids, it was a bit much. But the day was still a success.

Ballroom has been such a fun experience for the kids. I have a feeling there will be a lot more in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Great dancing and a lot of fun to watch, but I'm still chortling over the comment about ribbons around their 'waste'. Maleen, honey, 'waste' is trash, garbage, etc. "Waist" is the part of the body you put ribbons around. What were you doing during your English class?
