Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ivory's 12 Year Gallery

Ivory is such a lively spirited girl. She has so much personality it oozes out of her. Sometimes in tears, but more often in giggles. She has been a teenager for years so it is about time her age is catching up. We had a fun time taking her pictures. She is very down to earth. No fancy clothes for her, just regular Ives. She even put her hair up in a ponytail half way through because that is how she loves to wear it. Enjoy this lovely girl who turned...

Hahaha. That face in the last picture makes me laugh.

After pictures we went out to grab lunch. I took her to Chubby's because she loves burgers. She enjoyed her meal, but she really liked the scones. That is my favorite part too.

Ivory has been one of my harder children to understand and work with. In many ways she stretches me as a mother and makes me think more. I certainly wouldn't change that. I sure need a lot of work. I'm glad Ivory has been a patient teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy your photo shoots with the girls when they have their birthdays. Thank you for blogging and sharing.
