Friday, March 16, 2018

The Truth is Sweet to Me

New Beginnings is a special part of each year in Young Women's. It celebrates the beginning of the year. It often has a theme for the year and they bring all the girls who will be turning twelve to the event so they can get excited about coming into Young Women's.

This year is funny because all the girls turning twelve had already done so. They are all early January or February birthdays, so when they had New Beginnings, all the girls were officially in Young Women's. But that doesn't matter.

It was Ivory's first mutual activity. She was supposed to come the week before, but she had Science Fair, so they were very kind to move it back for her.

It is great to see so many wonderful girls looking out for each other. Robyn is currently the Beehive President. She drew a picture of all the girls on the board. Well, all the girls in the Beehive class at least. She was very excited because there aren't many girls her age in our ward. Four new girls were added recently and it tripled the numbers they had.

The theme was cute. It was all Candyland stuff and each of the older girls talked about the sweetness of gospel topics. Truly the Savior and the church make life much sweeter. The refreshments were super cute with their rainbow and candy theme.

I'm so grateful for the Young Women's program. It is fun to have three girls in there. It is always amazing to me the sacrifice people make to teach and watch out for the youth in the church. I try and reach out and learn the girls names around me. That is one of the reasons I love camp so much. And I am so excited for this group of girls that is coming this year. It will be so fun.

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