Thursday, March 8, 2018

Twelve is a BIG Deal

Twelve is a significant birthday in our house. You get to join Young Women's and get your ears pierced. Ivory was super excited for her big day.

Although the girls have been going to their new school for two years, this was the first birthday that happened on a school day. There have been weekend birthdays and summer birthdays and Junior High birthdays but nothing at the elementary school. A little odd huh?

So, I took her balloons over but only at the end of school so I wasn't too distracting. I weighted them down with Wishes (Ivory's elephant from Valentine's Day) and they were the perfect balance so the balloons floated midair. I stood outside the door and let them drift across the doorway and heard all the oohs and aahs and whispers as it floated gently across. Don't worry, there were only two minutes left. I really like the colors I got for Ivory with golds, rose golds, and ivorys.

Of course she went out with Dad for lunch. Ivory loves hamburgers right now. That would be her lunch of choice. But none of that other stuff on there. Just bun, burger, and cheese.

I took the entire afternoon off to spend with Ivory. The first thing we did was head to Claire's to take care of Ivory's unholy ears. She picked out a cute pair and then took a seat ready to endure whatever was to come. Here she is with the dots centered in the right spot.

Take a deep breath. This will only hurt for a second. Twice.

That wasn't so bad. Ivory said it hurt a lot, but she didn't cry or yell or anything. What a trooper. And she looks adorable. I don't know how well you can see, but she chose little starts with diamonds in the center.

Now unbeknownst to Ivory, her friends were coming to the mall to surprise her, but they hadn't arrived, so I decided to distract her. I didn't want to do any shopping since we just bought earrings, so I took her to the art museum. Does it look familiar? I was just here with June. Here is the wailing wall and Ivory is adding her prayer.

I didn't put this picture before but I really like this one by James Christensen. It is called 'The Unopened Letter". So much to ponder.

I had to take a picture of this creepy piece of art. It is a little disturbing, made more so by a fan built into the base that blows the tissue paper continually. It is really troubling.

Ivory found her letter before we left. It is a tradition.

Love hanging out with my Ivory. I checked my texts and we still had a few more minutes before friends arrived.

So, we went over to check out Claire's one more time. Ivory is a little obsessed with Unicorns right now. And look what we found.

Then I got the message that everyone was in place. We slowly sauntered in that direction and it just so happens that Grandma Cazier called right then. We were only a few yards away but we stopped so Ivory could chat. Ember, Abby, and Alyssa were trying to decide why we weren't coming. I was trying to mime to them that Ivory was on the phone, but every time I tried to go behind her, Ivory would turn. Apparently she doesn't like talking on the phone with someone behind her.

Eventually I just starting walking in their direction. Ivory had seen them, but they were all wearing sunglasses and she thought they were a group of teenage girls hanging at the mall. After a lot of giggling she noticed something was up. I'm sorry I didn't get pictures of them because Ivory was on the phone.

But we took Ivory away to go play on the ropes course. We have been there before for a birthday actually. Ivory was there too. But she was much smaller.

Robyn pointed out that this was a copycat picture, but it is one of my favorites.

The girls had a lot of fun climbing and falling and exploring the course. 

After, we stopped by Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to get some...chocolate. I think it is a little overpriced. But sometimes you gotta do what is best for the birthday girl.

I dropped all the girls off on the way home, except Ember who requested to come over for dinner and present opening, which makes sense because we were having steak. Yum. It worked out well because Ember took a picture for us. Usually I am the one behind the camera.

Ivory enjoyed all her presents. She got a whole tub of Red Vines, which might be her favorite. She got a cool glass hummingbird from Grandma Cazier. Here are a couple of shots of her enjoying her loot.

We measured her. She is still our shorty but she keeps growing each year.

And finally her cake. People hardly choose cake anymore. I'm fine with that. Ivory requested Fish Food. Good ole Jo. I have him to thank for introducing me to Fish Food.

Candles out Ivory. What is your birthday wish? It can't be for a family that loves you more, because we couldn't live without you. We sure love you!!

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