Saturday, March 3, 2018

Bloom Where You Are Planted

That was the theme for our ward young women last year. The girls used that theme all the way through the year from New Beginnings to Girls' Camp to Young Women in Excellence (2017) at the end of the year. It has been too long since we did Young Women's in Excellence for me to remember what all happened there.

The girls sang. I think they sang the ward song they sang at camp. It is called 'Choose Him Again.' I really love it. And the girls added all this cool harmony. It was so moving. Here they are lined up to sing.

I usually don't take many pictures at these events. They are more to experience. However, there was a table with pictures of all the girls. They had done a photo shoot evening and I was blown away by the beauty of these girls. They are stunning. So I had to add these in. I wish I had the original photos so I could just put them on the blog. But you will just have to settle for pictures of pictures.

We have some great young women. I'd say that I'm excited for Ivory to turn twelve and enter young women's, but she already has. Guess I should put New Beginnings on here when I have a chance.

Oh, we happened to have Activity Days recognition that same night. We gave awards to the girls. Ivory got 'Most Talkative' and Daisy got 'Best Memory' (which I laughed about for a long time). We had an ice cream theme and I took a picture of the girls in front of the sprinkle background.

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