Friday, March 2, 2018


Here is a post from last year in November. In June's biology class they need a certain number of 'Bio Encounters'. That means experiences with nature and animals. June was having trouble getting the required number of encounters she needed. She needs a certain number of plants, fungi, animals, and birds. So she decided a trip to the zoo would check off all the animals. If the zoo doesn't work for a variety of animals, I'm not sure what else would?

However, the zoo is pricey so I didn't take the whole family. However, I randomly had Camille and Annalise, so I took them along. It was fun to walk around with them and see the animals. June was on her own with the camera and she took a different route. It was quite chilly and walking was the best way to stay warm. We didn't stop anywhere for long except the reptile house. We spent a goodly amount of time in there with the tropical temperatures.

June took a lot of pictures and I'll put my favorites on here.

The lion pen is new since I last went there. They were all sunning themselves and right up against the windows. I would love a lion as a pet. Maybe in the millennium.

The Silverback was amazing! He was so beautiful and very serious. When I saw him, he had his hands folded and looked like he was praying. June caught him while eating...a less serious endeavor.

I like the forked tongue on this lizard.

This photo is awesome. What do you think he is staring at?

The otters are possibly my favorite animal at the zoo. When they are out I could watch them for hours. I was happy to see this picture because when I walked by with the girls, the otter had retired to his bungalow.

June was very proud of this picture. She had many pictures of birds but most of them were not in focus. So she was happy that not only could you see the birds here, but they are in flight.

Meerkats. Okay, maybe I want one of these as a pet.

Here are my cute companions. We had to make do with the otter statue.

The crocodile was hanging out in his normal spot. He doesn't ever seem to move.

However....look at this. His head is farther out of the water. I didn't see it happen, but I have proof that he is most likely alive.

We found June again. Group photo.

One more shot before we get in the car and go warm up again. Brrr...chilly.

It was a fun trip. I want to take the whole family next time. The zoo, although overpriced, is always fun.

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