Wednesday, April 25, 2018

All Things Crack

As Cazier's, we take cracking eggs to a new level. We usually have no less than five Crack Offs, but this year we downsized. I still did one at school, and Tyler did one at work, but besides that, we didn't do a neighborhood one and June never got around to organizing a friend one. I did a small one with the activity day girls, but we still saved dozens of eggs this season.

Let's take a peek at all the egg cracking that did happen. First up, cute activity day girls. We made our eggs right after school. Ivory had already graduated, so just Pearl and Daisy (and I) made eggs. Here are our creations.

I like Pearl's beach ball egg. And Captain America.

Daisy did great with her Little Girl and Illumination. She was so clever. When she beat another egg in the competition, she said, "You have been illuminated." Hahahaha.

Here are my eggs. My juicy egg and my Firecracker. (Get it?)

All the girls brought their own decorated eggs and we let them vote. Daisy took second place. That is where she got the bunny ears she was wearing for Easter.

Emily was in charge of awards and I loved her trophies for first and second place in the Crack Off. I shamelessly copied her idea for our other Crack Offs.

Next up was school. I have done many Crack Offs at school, but I limit them to fifth and sixth grade now. So Ivory got one in her class. It was fun because many of the kids had done it before, but we always have people that experience it for the first time. Many people have started their own family Crack Offs. That is my favorite.

We don't have decorating contests at school, but they still get to draw on their egg before go time. Our very first crack happened to be on a colorful egg. So colorful that it took us a full five minutes to find the crack. It was impossibly small, but I am an eggspert eggzaminer!

Ivory's class had fun. They are a small group. Less than twenty kids in her classroom. Better odds for winning maybe.

Lydia and Olivia were our winners. Good job ladies!!

One of the moms took the idea back to her family and her daughter, Ivory's good friend, won their family Crack Off. She sent me a picture. Love it!

Moving on to Tyler's work Crack Off. They had some fun entries.

Tyler did the R2D2 egg, but sadly, it did not make it. It took more damage than most. (I was trying something new when I boiled the eggs and maybe I didn't boil them quite enough. That egg seems a little soft boiled.

I think Brett won. Clearly Tyler didn't.

Now for the one you've all been waiting for...the family Crack Off. This is where the decorating gets fierce. Luckily, I bought enough prizes that everyone got something, but that doesn't diminish bragging rights. Hitting the top three is high praise. And we brought the Call's to come play with us and they are artists. We never said we take it easy on ourselves.

Check out all this deco goodness...

Oh, but check out the hedgehog cute.

Now that you have seen all of these beauties, which was your favorite? Everyone got to vote for their five favorites. And I totaled the votes like I always do. (Maybe that is why I always do well.) Jk, this is serious business. I never cheat. The votes never lie. Here are the winners.

Let's look a little closer. My sweet little Piranha Bait won. I was not expecting that. Robyn's Narwhale came in second, and June's Egg2D2 came in third. I think it was amazing and obviously she and Tyler were thinking along the same lines.

But all these lovelies have imminent doom hanging over them. Out of this group, only one will survive. Who will it be? Pick your horse now and see if they win in the end...

Cracking is always suspenseful. Well, not for me. I usually lose. But it is always fun. Here is the tallest versus the smallest.

Cracking is for all ages.

It is brutal on eggs though. My Piranha bait got hit in the head, hard. You could reach in and feel his brain.

Many eggs later, it was down to two. Tyler was undefeated and Daisy was working her way back from the loser's bracket. Here we go...the finals.

And Daisy won. But Tyler was undefeated so she had to face down his other egg. Here we go again...

And guess who won? The NERD. No, not Tyler. Daisy's egg. She was stoked to take gold. And Tyler was our runner up.

Wow, love a Crack Off! I hope you had fun playing along, and we'll see you next year!

1 comment:

  1. Never ceases to amaze me how creative everybody is with their eggs, and how you always manage to win the decorating contest. Next year I think I'll put in a pure white undyed egg and call it "snowstorm". I won't win, but I won't have put a lot of effort into it either.
