Saturday, April 28, 2018

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb and All the Pieces in Between

Also know as a phone dump...

March was a busy month. And I'm happy to be reporting about it before April is over. I am pretty caught up people. Especially if you don't count last year which I have yet to finish.

Let's jump right into all the tid bits of the blustery month of March.

At the beginning of the month was Sixth Grade day. That is the day when all the sixth graders who will be seventh graders next year come visit the Junior High and get a small taste of what is to come. As they walked into the building, Jazz band was playing away. Robyn is rocking the congas.

I found Ivory with her classmates. She is headed my way next year.

We got to see Robyn perform in the band and June play in orchestra. I didn't stay for everything, but I'm pretty sure drama and choir also did a little something.

I wonder if they are influenced by these performances? Ivory already knew what she wanted to do before she came.

Here is Robyn washing off her Valentine's painting.

Got to get ready for the next holiday. I like this one a lot.

Here is Pip. She likes the heat vents in the winter. She is not a big dog, so she soaks up as much warmth as she can. Oddly, Moxy never laid on the vents.

We still take pictures of Robyn when she is sleeping on the couch. But look where she fell asleep this time. It isn't the best picture, but it was all I could get while I was stopped at a red light.

Pink Sock Day was on the 7th as usual. I hope you all celebrated. We even got Pip involved this year.

The Bean Museum had a cool exhibit for a bit. It was called Titanboa. Apparently they found the vertebrae of a mammoth snake. So they made a model of what they thought it looked like. I don't think you'd want to run into something this size. It eats crocodiles for breakfast.

Student council elections were last month at school. I didn't have any kids running, but I saw a lot of posters in the hallway. This was my favorite one.

Granny V sent Pearl a birthday gift a little late. I can see why it arrived after her birthday. It must be hard to ship a fish that is so big.

Tried to get another picture of Robyn sleeping, but she was faking. She may be on to us...

The big game around here recently has been Secret Hitler. It is so fun. We play it almost every Sunday night. Camie and Nate introduced us and it has been the base for many jokes, including one on Tyler's egg in the last post. Here we are saluting the fun we have.

And here we are with our Hitler staches. Sometimes the fascists win and sometimes the liberals, but in the end...Hitler will always wear his mustache.

One day while in the copy room, there was this awful noise coming from the hallway outside. I stepped outside to see what was going on and I found everyone like this.

I guess it was an assignment to listen to different types of music and draw images that come to mind. The first image that popped into my head was a guy who was learning to play the guitar and he wasn't very good.

Track has been going on. Sadly June has missed a few meets because of weather and orchestra. Also, her shins have been awful. Lot of splints. Poor girl. But it is still fun to go watch her run.

Although it leads to her being tired. Haha. More sleeping pictures. It is only fair that we have one of June after all the ones she has taken of Robyn.

June HATES potato eyes. She thinks they are some of the grossest things ever. Which is weird, because I've never really thought about them much. So you'd better believe that when I left a sweet potato in the cupboard and then found it growing like crazy, that I took a picture and sent it to June. She loved it. (Not at all.)

June did honor society this year. She is smart enough and responsible enough to have done it every year, but I had issues with the price. Why so expensive? And it gets less expensive as they get older. Why is that? I have no idea why it is the way it is. But she is official now.

I found this sign at Hobby Lobby and I felt like it describes my life pretty well.

The kids like to steal my phone and edit the pictures. I didn't even know you could do this. (Not surprising.) I thought these were funny, although I edited the last one and added words. (I know how to edit photos, but only in photoshop.)

Ivory was running for queen in her class. (They change officers frequently.) She ran a unicorn campaign. I loved her horn. Very glittery. I don't think she won, but she gets an A for effort. And she was still part of the royalty.

And finally, this is what it looks like when we all do laundry in the hallway. There is probably a better place, but sometimes you just gotta sit down and get it done.

And thus March has left us and April is not long for this world. Can't believe May is right around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Have you stopped to consider that a third of the year is gone already? Hard to believe. Loved the Hobby Lobby sign!
