Saturday, April 28, 2018

Jordan Joyriding

My mom came into town for Spring Break. It was really fun to have her around. She came for Pearl's baptism, which would be at the end of the week, but we planned a few other activities beforehand. One was to attend the Jordan River Temple Open House.

We all packed up on a Tuesday evening and went to check out the remodel of the Jordan Temple. My mom has been having some problems with her leg, so we requested to use elevators while we were there, but even better, they got her a wheel chair on sight so we could push her around.

It was a blessing because even with the elevators, it would have been a lot of walking. The temple was beautiful and it was nice to talk to the girls and remind them what temples are used for and why they are so special. I feel very blessed to have temples close by.

We didn't watch the movie, so it was a short, sweet tour. After, we took a picture by the temple. I love this family of mine.

It was awesome because they called for a cart to come take us back to our car. The guy brought one over and we all managed to squeeze aboard, and we used every available seat. Look at us joyriding on temple grounds.

The driver was kind enough to lean out of the picture when we took our selfie, but I wanted to remember him. He was so kind to take us all the way around and right to our car. Front door service. Fabulous. Thank you Brother Kindness. 

So many people come and volunteer to make the experience of visiting a temple special, and there were plenty of people that made our experience wonderful.

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