Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Pearl Took the Plunge

It is weird when the last of your kids transitions to a new stage. It is glorious when you leave diapers behind and I was thrilled when we didn't have to interrupt the day for naps (although I still try to sneak one in now and then). But some of the things left behind will be sad. I can't imagine no more teeth falling out of these small mouths, or not having to stop by the elementary school to drop off forgotten lunches or to watch children sing and dance. But the kids keep getting older and life keeps moving forward. This was very evident when Pearl got baptized last month. She is our last child to be baptized.

It was a pretty fantastic day. It is always a great day when family comes to celebrate with you. We had a luncheon before the baptism.

One of the benefits of having all older kids is that I can assign out most of the tasks. Many hands make light work. And I love how the girls like to label things.

The fruit tray is a must for my family. We have done a fruit tray for FHE before and nothing is left. The key is the cream cheese dip. Just a block of cream cheese, 1/4 cup of sugar, and a tsp. of vanilla. And smiles will follow.

We even tried to cater to our lovely sister-in-law Jami. We tried Jami. We are working on it.

Pearl was having a great day. She loves fruit, she loves family, she loves mom taking her picture while she is trying to eat. She even let me do her hair and she does NOT like that.

Then it was time. She headed over with Dad a little early. You can't tell but it was pouring that day. Tears of joy from heaven. Many, many tears. Look how sweet - these two.

And a little silly.

Here is Pearl practicing for the dunk. This is the less traditional method.

Here is Pearl browsing the songbook. I like that the Stake provides one. That was a smart move by somebody.

Pearl was going to have a solo baptism day, but because of another family's arrangements, another boy was sharing the day with her. Happily, it was one of her good friends, Ryder. Ryder is an oldest child, so their family did a lot to prepare for the baptism, even though we offered. And in the end, I can't complain, because Janille made the cutest programs. Tyler said he was glad they were holding a Book of Mormon or else it would look like a weird young engagement photo.

Ryder and Pearl have been in the same class for two years. And they live right around the corner from each other, so it was fun for them to share the day. We divided up the program. Jami spoke first about baptism. She always does a great job. She talked about the earth being baptized and the rainbow. It was great. Then it was time for the baptisms. Ryder was up first on the program, but he wanted to be a gentleman and let Pearl go first. What a sweetie. Pearl's dress was all ready for when she was done. Granny V was able to Skype from Minnesota, although I missed all that because I was back helping Pearl.

We remembered to wait for dad. We are always very fast on our side because we don't have to do hair. What a special day for these two.

Robyn was our pianist at the baptism. She did an amazing job and June led the music. I sneakily took a picture of Robyn playing when I came back.

Ryder's grandmother gave the talk about the Holy Ghost. She talked about the three bears. I always like that version of looking at our covenants, but she also made the cutest little bears for Ryder and Pearl. Seriously so cute. Pearl introduced her new bear, Hollie (named after Ryder's grandma), to Claire Bear when she got home.

We came home and had treats after the baptism. Donuts are always a favorite considering they look like little 8s.

It was so nice to be with family. Here are some pictures of people we love.

Sadly, Kathryn had to work, so she wasn't able to come. Kaysen and Granny V are on missions, and somehow June didn't end up in any pictures. Sorry June, but I wasn't in there either. :)

And so ends baptisms for our family. Guess we'll be seeing you at Henlee's baptism in a few years.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I was able to be there, although I don't particularly care for the picture you took of me. What a great day it was. I'm surprised to didn't include Tyler's comment about the misty rain outside when he said it was a Catholic baptism.
