Friday, May 4, 2018

Art to the Tune of 100

The art show is my favorite. It runs for a week at the school and every time I walk through the door for work, I smile. And then I wander the halls when I am finished. I took pictures before ribbons went up this year, because I wanted to choose my favorites before the judges. In many cases, the ones I liked got ribbons as well.

I took pictures of all the categories this year. (Except photography.) Some pictures have ribbons because I took them after, but I'll let you know if the girls got a ribbon. The art show is 8th and 9th graders, so there was a piece from either Robyn or June in almost every category. That was cool. June ended up with 6 ribbons and Robyn got 5. There was so much art, and because I took pictures of every category, I have 98 pictures in this post. Wow. That is a lot of pictures. But I think it is worth it.

The categories are in no particular order. I just went around the school. But let's get started...


Ceiling tiles are coveted. You can only do them in 9th grade Studio Art. There are hundreds of them around the school. It makes the school unique. June chose to do book titles on her tile. I have read many of them, but if I need a recommendation, I know where to look. It was cool because an English teacher requested her tile to be put in his room. He is a big reader.


June got first place in this category with her butterfly. Also, the jackalope was done in cardboard but was technically in the 3D art category.


This is one of my favorite categories. The kids pull three words out of a hat and make a picture using mostly one color. There were so many amazing ones this year. Robyn got third with her 'Guitar, Sleep, Ship.'


In this one the kids take a picture and cut it into strips. Then they take out some strips and paint the missing image back in. It is amazing how close they can match up. June took second with her lily pad leaves.


This is the one where they listen to strange music and then draw whatever comes to their mind. June did not finish this project in time. (She barely finished her ceiling tile in time.) But I put her unfinished art in here because I really like the progress she is making. You can probably tell which is hers.

FACES (Self-portrait, abstract, surrealism)

This project is always cool. The kids work on drawing front, profile, and quarter turn. And then they get to jazz it up with abstract and surrealism. It lends to some interesting work. Robyn got third place for her piece.


I actually can't remember what this category is called, but they do an outline of their head and fill it with their hopes, dreams, fears, and hobbies. You have seen Robyn's before. She got first place for this one.


This one has an artist statement to tell why you added what you did. It is supposed to use 3D materials and a variety of them. You have seen June's before in other posts. I also really like the spider one. Can you see the glitter on the girls fingers? And the third one is well drawn, but did they just add buttons to make it 3D?


This one is pretty self explanatory. June did the dragonfly.


This was a project from last year that the 8th graders did after the art show. So these pieces had to wait almost a year to be on display. The pictures were supposed to tell a story and most kids referenced a photograph. There were a lot of people drawn in the art but many not drawn terribly well. But I think June knocked it out of the park. It took me FOREVER to find this picture on the blog, but you can see the original here. Oh, and she got first place.


I didn't love these as much as I thought I would. But I did really like June's. She got an honorable mention.


These are fun. June did one of these last year. (Same story with these having to wait until the next art show.) But her extended frame got put in another category. You will see it in a minute.


Watercolor is not as easy as it looks. And oddly, it is not one a medium I really enjoy using. My kids don't seem to use it much either. Robyn still had fun making her Santa picture.


The kids used to go to the zoo to take pictures, but they weren't able to do that this year. Instead, they went to the Bean Museum. Do you remember that field trip? Then they make an animal art, but it doesn't have to be realistic. June did a turtle full of animal names. It is so cool up close. You would be amazed all the animals she has included. This was a fun category to look over.


Also known as Zen tangle but there is more to it than that. June did an awesome cityscape, but when I saw it in the hallway, they had hung it upsidedown. So, I turned it right side up. But then the little sticker was in the wrong corner, so someone turned it back around. Robyn saw it and she too, put it back the way it was supposed to be. Then someone eventually put the sticker in the right corner. So, it stayed the right direction. June won first place for it. You can see why there was confusion about direction. Her negative space was the city instead of the sky. Her extended frame was also in this category.


I believe this category is pretty open. The art seems to be different styles, but all using words. June also got first in this category for her camera.


This is also one of my favorite categories. The kids take a famous work of art and then change or add something to it. Some are obvious. Others you may not recognize the original art. But you can usually still tell what was added. I could NOT find the original of Robyn's art. I think it is called Ponies in the New Forest? But she changed the ponies to alicorns. Cute. You may recognize this piece of art and this one as well.


I think this one is pretty open when it comes to image, but the students need to make two in warm colors and the other in cool. Robyn got second place for her fish eye picture of herself, which I adore.


I also do not remember the name for this category. I think the kids make their own questions, but they have to do with hands? I can't remember, but I really like Robyn's picture. Her question was, "Are you drowning in lies?" It is cool to read through all the words and see what her necklace says.


This category was divided into two. Some people did ripped paper and others did yarn. I feel like they weren't very similar, however they were judged together. And I didn't really agree with the results. Most of the yard art was ignored and it was some of my favorite. Oh well. June still did an amazing job on her mermaid. I adore the cactus too. That is one of my favorite pieces.


Not my favorite category. Sometimes images become so abstract that I can't tell what they were originally, but that is okay. To each his own. Robyn's is the monkey, if you can tell which is the monkey. :)


Also not my favorite. This is basically melted crayon. They all look very similar to me. I didn't even put June's on here...sorry June. Don't worry, you remember what yours looked like...melted crayon.


Love this category. I think June did amazing on her jellyfish, and she didn't even get a ribbon. That means there were a lot of good ones.


This is an optional project. June didn't do it last year. This year, Robyn finished it in one class period. How did she even do that? Hers is the dinosaurs.


I really liked Robyn's Wolverine in this one. However, someone scratched it up. She was bugged about it, but if you didn't know what was added, you might not notice. I can tell though. I'm not sure why someone would do that to her art, but maybe it was an accident.


This is also an interesting category, because it can cover a lot of different things. I adore Robyn's magician. And the Sheep was one of June's favorites. Robyn got an honorable mention for her Magician.


Hahaha. I had been around the school dozens of times, but I didn't see this category until I was almost leaving the art show. It was tucked in a corner. I feel kind of stupid almost missing it. June didn't get around to doing a vase, so maybe that is why I didn't look for them.

Mrs. Hunter has run such an amazing art program for 25 years. Sadly, she is retiring. Robyn is a little nervous about next year. The program has run so smoothly, who knows what will still be included. Will the kids do ceiling tiles? Will there be a big art show? I guess we'll have to see what happens. But I think Mrs. Hunter can retire knowing she left a legacy behind her and the love of art in many hearts.

K. Let's quick look at everyone's favorite. Camie even came with us, so you get to see hers too. Some were already included above and some are new. I didn't get a picture with mine, but my favorite was Napoleon on the My Little Pony or the Cactus.

There you go. Almost 100 pictures later. This post alone will make my blog book fat. But what a happy fatness it is.

I'm not sure if you were keeping track, but June got 4 blue ribbons, 1 red, and 1 honorable mention. Robyn got 1 blue, 1 red, 2 white, and 1 honorable mention. That is pretty amazing. Even if they had gotten no ribbons, I'm so proud of their blooming talents.

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