Thursday, April 19, 2018

Auctions, Pie, and Victims...Oh My

So even though Robyn told me not to, I am going to mash all these things into one post. It will be so fun.

So the Auction. The young men had a fund raiser to raise money for their activities throughout the year. They rounded up interesting items to auction off. They split the evening into two sections. The live auction and the silent auction. The silent Auction would have been better if it had been talked up. As it was, people walked through, but not many and most things sold for very cheap. We got family pictures for a steal. $50. WHAT!?!

This was the area for the live auction. I loved how they had bidding signs. It felt so official to raise your sign and increase the bid.

And here are the two most ridiculously dressed people on stage. Yes, that is my husband. The Scout master and Young Men's president dressed up, but they both looked a little silly. But they kept things running smoothly.

The best part of the auction, hands down, was the auctioneer! He was hilarious. He sounded legit. He would call out the numbers, but he was making constant noise. It would sound like this, "Do I hear twenty hummuna hummana thirty do I see thirty, hmmm ramma lamma bid is still at twenty thirty I see thirty is there forty hummanaum..." It was so funny to listen to. Sometimes we would just laugh, but the bidding kept going.

Things sold for crazy prices, unlike the silent auction. We spent more on a massage and hammock than the family pictures. There was some art on sale from our good friends. Camie's temple cutting board went for a nice price in the live auction, and her watercolor Bag's end sold for only $8 in the silent auction. She actually gave me one later since I was outbid.

It was the most successful fundraiser we have ever had. The boys raised over $9,000. Amazing.


Pie day happened. Bet you can't guess what day it was on? Oh, you guessed March 14? You are so smart.

I only got one pie. But it was decadent. It was super dupa chocolate and really delish,. and everyone thought it was tasty although we all ate at different times. I grabbed some photos while I could of whoever happened to be around.

Got to love a day celebrating dessert and math simultaneously.


Last up, the First Aid Training. This day took a long time to organize, but I think it went rather well. It was a pre-camp activity. I spent a lot of time trying to get the youth leaders organized so they could teach about first aid, and then there were some disaster rooms where the girls would hopefully use the skills they just learned. It wasn't perfect, but I am very satisfied with the results.

First, there was a good turnout. The girls are so busy that you never know how many you will get. But look at this full gym. Fantastic.

Jason Underwood is our resident paramedic. He is awesome. He gets up there and drills these girls until they can recite the steps in their sleep. They are our first responders, so we want them to know what to do.

Even after the big lecture, everyone gets a turn using the resuscitation dolls. Since I was a floater, I managed to get a picture of each of my kids in the room. Oddly, they are all sitting in the same general spot.

The coolest part of the day was the victims. We had three girls doing makeup, and they did a great job. We had eight disaster rooms with everything from hypothermia to burns. I didn't get to see much of the actual disasters taking place, but it seemed all the girls were taken care of. I did come in to see Abby hyperventilating. The girls had put her in a splint.

She did a great job of acting, and I can see why she was freaking out. Under the wrap, her arm looked like this.


First years had to deal with spurting blood. That is what happens when you get a tree in your leg.

Phebe who did a lot of our makeup, stepped in at the last minute and did our hypothermia victim. She was awesome.

It was one of those days that I was very happy with and then I went home and slept. I was exhausted.

So there you have some of our bigger moments in March. There will still be the odds and ends coming. It is always great to see all of the bits and pieces that make a month. Time keeps on ticking...


  1. Family pictures for $50! Total steal! Lucky you!
    The auctioneer - I watch once or twice on TV in some show - they are pretty hilarious - I bet in real life - it was to "die from giggles", I wish I was there. :)
    I can not believe they raised that much money - it is amazing!
    First aid - Oh, wow! The makeup artist - how cool is that!?! Actually, when I opened your blog and scrolled down to see the pics and saw a stick in a leg with blood - I was like "OMG, what happened? Did one of the girls got stabbed with a tree branch?" It looks just like the ones I see in hospital at work.
    Pi 3.14 - we had pumpkin pie :)
    Great post!

  2. Tim walked into the room just as I reached the picture of the stick in the leg and was totally grossed out. It looks so real! A very valuable class. The auction sounds like fun but I'm glad I wasn't there. I tend to get impulsive and bid too much.
