Tuesday, April 17, 2018

She's Got Rhythm

Robyn has always been a free spirit. Many rules don't seem to apply to her. Like spelling or rhythm. Her piano playing has always been excellent but it doesn't always follow the beat you are used to. So I found it ironic that she took up percussion. Percussion is not forgiving on rhythm. You must be on beat. And so, Robyn and her stubborn side have succumbed to a greater power...that of the love of music and staying with the group. She is doing very well. She still plays piano to her own jive, but if you put her in band, she will keep the beat, quite nicely.

The biggest part of percussion happens in March with the Percussion Competition. There is an actual name for it, but I can't remember it. Robyn went last year and participated in an advanced group. They rocked it. I still love listening to Blue Rondo. This year, they scored things a little differently. I think it was just by school instead of advanced and intermediate. Or at least something like that. Robyn's school had three numbers. The first one was a small group. Just her, Donny, and Tim. 

But a couple weeks before go time, Tim broke his hand. Robyn freaked out. She was so mad at Tim. (As if he broke his hand on purpose.) She was distraught about the song. There were a few options of replacements, but it fell on Radi to step in and learn the song quickly. He was down at the house often getting his part right.

Luckily, both Robyn and Radi were background. Their parts were still vital, but most of the load was on Donny. He didn't know the whole song until days before the competition, but he had it memorized for the actual performance. I'm not going to lie, I thought they did amazing. Especially Donny. Wow. And Robyn was playing four mallets. I didn't see any other Jr. High kids doing four mallets. Since Tyler recorded it, you get to hear it. Yay! 

Here they are playing. And a close up of Robyn, because she is the cutest. :)

Here is Bit O' Rhythm.

Robyn also performed in a piece called Ceremonium. She is off to the right again. I really should sit on the right. I always have a hard time making sure Mrs. Taylor isn't standing in front of her.

Here they are playing. Watch Robyn. She switches mallets a couple times during the performance. Also Jonathan has so much fun on the blocks. I'm not sure what they are actually called, but they have a nice hollow wooden ring and he does great.

Tyler didn't record the third number because Robyn wasn't in it, but the group did an excellent job.

I managed to get a picture of the three Bit O' Rhythm players but it took a while to get them all to smile.

We also stayed and listened to the High School perform. There are many kids that were in Robyn's group last year who moved on to High School. I think it was fun for her to see them again. 

Robyn's school took 2nd place. Last year Robyn was thrilled, but this year she was disappointed. No fun to take 2nd twice, I guess. I still think they did amazing. And I think we were all winners because we got to listen to many outstanding performances. I'm already looking forward to next year.


  1. No, way! Wow, Robin is talented! So cool!

  2. Awesome performances! I don't remember having percussions bands at my schools when I was growing up. Just choir, orchestra and band. How things change.
