Saturday, April 14, 2018

Conference Bowl

Easter and Conference were on the same weekend this year. That happens sometimes. I like it, but it makes things a little busy. On Saturday, we did our Easter Egg hunt first thing in the morning. Then we watched two hours of conference.

Then we decided that all those who finished the conference wall would go bowling and between sessions seemed like as good a time as any. So we hustled over to don our bowling shoes and get jiggy with it. Here we are at Mire Bowl.

I'm sure everyone has been bowling before, but no one remembered. The older girls spent time working on their swing and release, but keeping that darn bowling ball somewhere in the middle of the lane is harder than it looks.

Pearl was a natural. Of course, she got to use the bumpers.

I think everyone had a good time despite the fact that Robyn decided she hated bowling. (You can't win them all, especially when your mom is playing.)

We heeded all creepy signs and no one had their fingers mutilated.

Dad and I took a selfie, and Robyn decorated it for us. I'm digging Tyler's pink mustache.

We didn't have all of us. Just Birdsong, Stallion, Peapod, Junica, and Mombie. Daisy and Ivory didn't quite finish all the talks. I was really proud of Pearl for getting them all done. Once again, five out of seven. Still not a bad number.

Here is the wall before we took it down.

And then the baptism. That is what the kids call it when we put up clean white papers. And notice the new apostles in the bottom corner. It was such an exciting conference.

There were many changes in how things are organized and run. It was an amazing two days of inspiration. The talks were excellent and I can't wait to reread them. The solemn assembly as we sustained a new prophet was awe inspiring. I am so grateful for the gospel and the opportunity to hear from the prophet and apostles every six months. I told my family that my favorite part was hearing from the prophet multiple times. He usually speaks several times, but President Monson had gotten so frail that he only spoke briefly or not at all. So it was great to see President Nelson speak often.

Our family always has a good time. We still keep our hands busy stitching, coloring, or taking notes. We haven't had anyone sleep through a session yet. :)

One more photo because Robyn demanded. 

This is the face we make when we find out that Elder Holland spoke in Priesthood session and we won't get to hear him. (Luckily, that didn't happen this time around.)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could be part of that wall thing so I'd make myself listen to the talks again. Many of them were exceptional. Such good men. And our prophet is incredible.
