Friday, April 13, 2018

Hunt by Color

I have to admit that doing the Easter Egg hunt and watching the kids collect eggs is still a highlight of the spring. I wonder if the kids will outgrow it? June is 15 and still going strong. And my suspicion is that as long as I hide money in eggs, they will never outgrow it. Maybe when there are grandkids involved, we will make the kids step down.

We changed up the rules this year. First, we expanded our territory. Well, we lost territory first. The plot behind us, a.k.a. the Sport Court, was purchased and developed. With the loss of that area, I was worried about it being too tiny a space around the house for the five kids, but I had the genius idea to include the neighbors yard. They are right across the street and we used their front and back yard as well as ours, doubling our territory for egg hunting. It was pretty great.

Also, I did the eggs by color this year. It felt like it took longer to hide them because I had five bags of eggs not including the special blue ones and the camo eggs. But the girls really liked hunting for their own color. Plus, every year June is the last one out the door and there are never enough eggs for her. With her own color, she didn't have to worry about people taking her eggs.

Here are the colors:
June - Green
Robyn - Yellow
Ivory - Orange
Daisy - Purple
Pearl - Pink

Although I had a little trouble telling pink and purple apart. Next year I'm using blue. This year, the blue ones were fair game for anyone. They had the chicks inside and were worth tokens if you found them. Luckily, everyone ended up with at least one blue. (I only hid nine.)

Looks like we are ready to get this show on the road. Everyone prepares for the hunt differently. Whether it is wearing your bucket, playing some pre-game music, or struggling with your running shoes.

These girls are ready to go. Only one person opted for the back door. Most people were headed across the street to start.

What a surprise...look who is first out the door? 'It is about time.' she is singing to herself.

I totally adore this silhouette picture of June with her bun.

I loved the extra space. The girls were able to stay spread out. I hid lots of other random things here and there for anyone to pick up.

Robyn found the socks. They filled her bucket up right away. Where are you going to put your eggs, Robyn?

Pearl found one in the tree. It is funny what one person will walk by and another will spot. Ivory had a hard time finding her eggs and the hardest for her were always the sparkly ones. Ironic huh?

I think Daisy should apply for the position of Easter Bunny. With those teeth and ears, she would be a shoe in.

Tyler helped hide the eggs this year. He would take a bag and head out the door. I think I only hid Ivory's and Pearl's. And the camos, of course. He hid one of Robyn's in the spider lair. Here she is looking into it and deciding who would stick their hand in there, because it wasn't going to be her. (The spider lair is really the box for the hose. I may have been the one told the kids never to put their hand in there. You never know...)

Some of the things I hid had multiples. If you found something you already had, you could only have one. I hid five boxes of candy which were different. You could only have ONE of those. So if you found something you liked better, you could switch boxes. Pearl got a little confused. She wanted to trade all sorts of stuff. She was surprised to find that she could keep almost everything in her bucket. She actually ended up with a boat load of extra stuff.

There are the extremely obvious eggs that everyone sees except you. June had one of those moments. Don't worry, she finally found it.

Here are some of the best reaching moments of the day.

Everyone knew they had 25 to find. Periodically they would stop and count. Looks like Ivory only has one more to find. (Yes, it was a sparkly one.)

Everyone checked their loot at the end. There was a few questions on color. Only a couple purple and pink were mixed up. June did have to give one of her yellow and green eggs to Robyn. (It was more yellow than green.) Here is Daisy checking her stash. Are her ears on backwards?

The camo eggs are always the last to be unearthed, but they were discovered eventually. Iver found the fiver this year. I think she ended up with over seven dollars in all. That is some good Easter loot.

It was quite a fun morning, followed by General Conference. Back to back goodness.

1 comment:

  1. You have taken the Easter Egg hunt to new heights. All we managed was a black egg that was hid the hardest - oh, and the Easter Bunny thumping around as he (she?) hid the eggs. Funny, all the Easter egg hunts we had for you girls were in the house. Much more room outside.
