Thursday, April 12, 2018


Images of Greatness is an epic project in the A.L.L. program. June did it two years as Laura Ingalls Wilder and Princess Diana. Ivory got to do it last year, but they changed the format because they didn't think the kids could handle the rigors of the full project. I was disappointed, but Ivory did a fantastic job as Simone Biles. However, this year, the new A.L.L. teacher and the previous one decided to bring back the old format. The kids had to choose their person, do side projects, but most importantly, write a bio riddle and memorize it to recite in front of an audience. It used to be at night, but they held it during the day. I'm sure this must drive some parents crazy, but luckily, both Tyler's and my job are flexible so we were both able to be there.

I was very surprised at who Ivory picked. I bet you couldn't guess given ten minutes, so I'll tell you. She chose Elon Musk.

Some of you probably know who this is. Others of you may be clueless. I was more on the clueless side, although I had heard his name before and knew he was a tech inventor guy of some kind. Well, he is much more than that.

Elon Musk is a savvy business man owning many companies and he is one of the richest men in the world. He is extremely pro-American and all his inventions and knowledge are poured into making the world a better place.

There is more to say about him than I care to squish into one blog post, but you should at least go browse Wikipedia and learn five new facts about this guy. He is impressive.

One of the requirements is to dress up as your person. Elon Musk wears suits or t-shirts. Not very iconic. The other option is to dress as something related to your character. So Ivory chose a space related theme, since Elon has sent several rockets into space. She borrowed some stuff and we found other things. She looks pretty official even if she is dwarfed by the suit and helmet.

The helmet had so much static. Check out her hair inside.

The next day at school was the big day. We walked around and looked at the boards first. Ivory did a good job on her board. I like her wavy timeline.

She was especially proud of the rocket she made as one of her props.

I enjoyed walking around and running into famous people. Here is Nikola Tesla and Mother Teresa hanging out.

And William Wallace was being dramatic as usual.

Then it was time for the kids to get up and recite their bio riddles. The kids did a fantastic job. Especially since they had no practice from the year before. See if you can recognize some of these famous people from history.

Ivory did great. She remembered all her stanzas and she had more than most people. Tyler recorded her but the sound was so bad, you can hardly hear her. I'm sure the huge helmet didn't help. So you just get a picture of her being awesome.

I was very impressed with all the kids and the work they did. And I love that they will have a special place in their heart for these people they have learned more about.

1 comment:

  1. Good heavens, I am so behind the time. I didn't recognize half the names of the people being portrayed (and that includes the one Ivory did). I tend to do better with the people who were prominent a long time ago than current prodigies. Ivory looks great!
