Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Honor Orchestra 2018 and a Solo

June did Honor Orchestra last year for the first time. This year she was selected to do it again. Oddly, I think it was less popular this year. So many of June's friends were busy or just didn't want to do it. I was surprised. And actually, it will be interesting to see which of her friends continue with Orchestra into High School next year. Choir is the big thing around here and people don't have room for both in their schedule. But June is happy with her violin playing and she easily made it into the Advanced Orchestra at the High School.

I carpooled with Brooke's mom because it is still tricky to get the girls out to the Friday rehearsal and the Saturday morning one. Jennifer was kind enough to take them on Saturday morning because I had Camp Kickoff. In fact, I left the meeting midway to go into the hall and call June because she wasn't answering my texts. Turns out, she was asleep and I woke her up only minutes before she had to leave.

But she made it out there just fine and she did a great job. Sadly, youtube will no longer load ANY of my videos. I guess they don't support them anymore. I've been having Tyler record things for me, but at this event, I was the only one recording since Tyler was out of town, so it's a no go. Blogger will sometimes post them, but the song I recorded was too long. Darn technology. We often don't get along.

Here you can see the whole orchestra.

And there is my June.

Last year was weird. They played 4 songs and it was all over. This year, they had the same number of songs, but they had a chunk in the middle where kids from Solo and Ensemble played. I think that was a great idea. There were some very impressive numbers.

I'm glad we were able to go listen. From June's school, only she and Brooke went, but it was nice because she ran into Zuzu. I caught them all at lunch before the concert started.

June is getting very good on the violin. I love to listen to her play. I hope she continues for quite a while.

In fact, I'm going to add on to this post, June's orchestra concert in March. They had their concert at the High School. They had every Junior High orchestra play (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Chamber) and then the High School had their two orchestras play and then I believe the Symphony. It was a great night to combine everything. (They might have even had the band concert after that, but I didn't stay that far.)

June got to play a solo in one of their songs. She did such a great job and it was a hard solo. I'm a little bugged because Tyler did record this song, but his audio is lame. My version sounds much better and you can hear June a lot clearer, but you don't need to hear my youtube sob story again. So, here is the song and you'll have to listen closely for her solo. She comes in the first time at 2:05.

She was sitting one in from the first chair. You can mostly see her here.

It was a fun concert and it was awesome to hear June play a solo. She actually got to play that same solo multiple times because they performed all over the place including Libby Gardner Hall up at the U of U.


  1. It must suck being the only guy in a house with six women. His life must be a secret agony he shares with no one.
