Monday, April 2, 2018

Someone Doesn't Have to Wait Anymore

Eight is always an important milestone around here. We are excited that Pearl made it. And it is nice to know that kids do grow out of some weird stuff. Pearl has always been a little different than the other kids. Not necessarily in a bad way. I just don't understand why she thinks and does some things. But either time is fixing things or I am figuring it out. Most likely a little of both. Pearl is so smart and energetic. She is funny and has a lot of spirit. It has been very enjoyable to watch her tackle problems and solve them. And the constant has always been that she is loving. I am grateful that she forgives me for all my weaknesses and faults. I probably don't deserve such a sweetie, but I'll take her.

Pearl's birthday was on a Sunday so we had to split up when we did stuff. She did lunch with Dad before. That is always a favorite.

But she got balloons after.

Most birthday traditions work on the day of, like presents...


and treats...

Pearl requested Stuffed Peppers for her birthday dinner, which is funny because she doesn't eat the peppers, but she really likes the filling. And since it was a Sunday, there was bread.

She got a gift from Grandma Dargan a day later. Who doesn't like gifts that come after your birthday. Those are often my favorite.

She told me it was a great birthday. We loved on her all day. Even Pip got into the festivities. It reminded me of a certain picture from another birthday.

Life is good when you are eight and Pearl is getting baptized very soon. Her birthday photo shoot was so lovely. I'll get that on here soon.

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