Monday, May 14, 2018

Dia de la Madre

I love Mother's Day. Not because I have kids or because I get things, but because I think women (and mothers in particular) are amazing. It is true that you appreciate your own mother a lot more once you have your own kids. Motherhood is HARD! So hard. At every age. There are so many great moments and they make it all worth it, but don't be fooled into thinking it is a cushy job.

I happen to have an amazing mother, and amazing kids. So I feel like I am in the middle of an awesome sandwich. Take a look at all these reasons that I love being a mother.

Oh, look. Even one of my honorary kids. I could have taken several more pictures. We keep adding to our family of honorary siblings. I love all my kids friends.

My Mother's Day was very good. In the morning, I opened cards from Pearl and Daisy. Pearl drew me emojis in my card. So cute.

Sometimes the girls make me close my eyes while they get things ready. It looks like Daisy doesn't trust me here. She is watching me closely to see if I will peek.

I have had many self portraits drawn of me, but I really like this one by Daisy. I look so stylish, especially with my hair over one eye.

Then I had to go to church. Where Tyler spoke and did an amazing job. We also got flowers (which I will kill) and treats (which I enjoyed). Then back home to get a few more things. Ivory found me a cute poem. I love her envelope.

Robyn drew me a picture of all my many jobs. I love it. Look at it close up.

June wrote me this very sweet Spanish. Wow. Luckily, I read Spanish okay. (I can't understand anything when it is spoken.) I actually understood almost everything in the letter. She also gave me a translation. That was very nice of her.

I was pampered all day, meaning I didn't make myself lunch. (Least favorite meal to make by far.) Tyler made nachos and when Pearl made more we all stole some. Thanks Pearl. Yum.

And then I played with my kids all the rest of the day. It was fantastic. Oh, I should put this picture on here because I'm so impressed. At one point Radi had climbed into a tree. I don't know if he was hiding or what, but he found a Robin's nest that was full of eggs. He grabbed my phone to take some pictures. Doesn't this look like a stock photo? It is amazing. And those eggs are so beautiful. Another mother who has been hard at work...

I love my kids. I love all the lovely ladies in my life. I love my mother a lot. I love my other mother on a mission. She is amazing. I love my husband too. (I know he isn't a girl, but he is pretty awesome.)

I hope everyone had a buen dia de la madre.

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