Saturday, May 12, 2018

Love All

Robyn took tennis last semester for the first time. She liked it well enough that she took it again this spring. She has gotten much better. 

There aren't a lot of girls on the team, and Robyn made varsity. I'm not sure how it all works, but there are several levels. Robyn did doubles and she was third string if that is how they look at it. Which means there were two other doubles teams that were better than her team. And for competitions, they would play other third doubles teams. At least that is what I gather. 

The season was fun. I wasn't able to go to all her matches but I did take a few pictures. Here she is playing with Madi her partner. 

Here is Robyn playing on her birthday. It was quite a hot sunny day. 

Tournament was last week. Robyn and Madi did great. They were excited to get going, although I made them take a picture before they started.

They had a super easy team first and beat them 8-1. Then they played some girls that were better than they were, but one of the girls struggled just a bit. It was enough of an opening that they came back from 1-6 to get up to 7-6. Wow. Then the other girls tied it up and they ended in an epic tie breaker game. They eventually lost 9-11. But I was so proud of them.

I came over and sat closer to watch and during the game, the sprinklers came on on the other side where all the parents were watching. All games paused while people frantically moved out of the way. Even we had to run over to move some stuff we left behind. But it was a hot day, so a little water wasn't so bad.

The last match was the best. They were soon tied 3-3. Then the other team got ahead 3-6. But Madi and Robyn worked their way back until it was 7-6. They really needed to win or it would be another crazy tie breaker round. Madi missed the first three points so it was already love-40. I was praying so hard and they slowly worked their way back to duece and then they WON!!!

They came in third in the tournament. I was so proud of them. And they beat some good teams. They actually ended up going to the tournament the next day because one team couldn't make it, but Robyn said they were creamed. Still good for practice. What great girls.

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