Friday, May 11, 2018

A little birdie told me you had a birthday...

Oddly, it feels like Robyn has been 14 for a long time. But she officially caught up last month. For mutual, they celebrated her leaving Beehives and Robyn got to choose what they did for their activity. She chose window painting.

She had it all mapped out. She knew what she wanted painted on each section and she had people assigned to paint. It was actually well thought out.

Everyone did well on their section and Robyn kept everyone organized while painting herself. She is a pro.

Look how cute the Spring window turned out. Robyn worked on the last panel. She did the fitting.

Robyn also found that it makes cute shadows in the morning.

On her birthday morning, Robyn found  birthday bear. We also got her a cute pineapple shirt to wear.

She got to have her birthday lunch with dad. That is always a special experience.

I got her balloons and brought them to school,  but when you drive home 8+ children and add balloons, it is pretty crazy. You can't see, but this car is full of kids. Robyn kept yelling at people to not touch the balloons which was impossible.

Phew, they all made it in one piece.

In the afternoon, Robyn had a tennis match. I have a couple photos, but I'm going to put them in the tennis post. Happily, Robyn won her match, so she was pretty happy. From there, we grabbed everyone at home and headed out to Puppy Barn. They closed the one in American Fork. There were lots of reports of abuse, etc. People sure get in a huff about Puppy Barn. But there is one in Saratoga Springs, so we drove out there.

Tyler found a dog he liked and held him the entire time. In fact, if we had a finished fence and any spare time, I think he would have gotten him. But I'm glad we didn't. We just don't have time for a puppy right now.

But we had a lot of fun holding and petting cute puppies.

Then home again to open presents. Robyn is very expressive. Her face does all sorts of things. Here are just a few of the ones I liked.

She is a character. I love these earrings that June made for her. All the fun Rs.

I got her tennis stuff earlier in the week, so she only had one big gift from Dad. It looks like she is excited. Can you guess?

Yep, Dad bought himself her a drum set. It is pretty cool. Robyn will need to get a few more pieces and tweak it to make it her own, but I think she is pretty excited.

We named it the kingdom because we were talking about it in code before we gave it to her. Which is very appropriate because the stool for a drum set is called the throne. Even more appropriate, we put our old toilet out there as the seat, so she literally has a throne for her throne.

And don't forget cake. I think this is the first time we have ever had cake in the garage.

Robyn was also measured.

She is getting close to her fantastically tall Mother, but she hasn't passed me yet. Give it one more year...

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