Wednesday, May 9, 2018

In Green Pastures

We had a really cool experience on Monday night. We went to the mall to go see the girls' art in the district show. We went to the place where it was last time and there was nothing there. I was really surprised. The art show was supposed to be running for another week.

Next door was an art studio, so we went in to see if they had any information. A nice lady said she thought the art had been there, but she didn't know when they took it down. However, since we weren't doing anything, why don't we come and paint in their studio. They had a famous artist there and they were painting a mural to give to a women's shelter.

Painting? My family? You don't have to ask twice. Plus, she tempted us in with a screaming deal. For the evening, I think it was $30 a person or $50 a family, and she gave us quite a discount.

It was kind of a paint-by-square mural. You were given a bag with a small tile and a picture of what you were supposed to paint on the tile. Then, you did your best to replicate the art and then hang it up on the wall. Here is the wall when we walked in.

The squares were given out randomly. I think Daisy may have switched with Dad, but everyone else kept what they pulled. Here we are just having gotten our bags.

This was a really fun activity. It took some creativity because you had to mix colors to get what you wanted. June especially had her work cut out for her. There was no yellow to be had. There was only a light green, but she still managed to make the right colors.

It didn't take too long and we all finished around the same time. Here are the finished products.

The cool thing is that Yongsung Kim, the artist was there that night. He walked around and took pictures with people. He is Korean and didn't speak a lot of English, but he had a translator if needed. I hadn't seen a lot of his art, but it is amazing. This piece in particular caught my eye a while ago and I love it. I was so happy to meet him.

Go check out his other paintings. He is incredible. He took a picture with us when we were all finished.

Then it was time to place our tiles. Oddly, the image on the mural didn't always match what was on our little pictures. Oh well, close enough. I didn't see Tyler place his, but here he is putting up Daisy's.

We had to lift a few people since we seemed to have some tall spots. But we got all our squares in the right place.

Here is the mural when we left. It still has a ways to go, but we have added our small piece. It was such a fun spontaneous night, but perfect for our family.


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