Friday, June 29, 2018

Moving Onward and Upward

First, I would like to apologize to myself mainly. I was doing so well on my blogging goal. Then Girl's Camp happened which is always a huge spanner in the works, but it was followed right behind with a play that I was in with the girls. And there were a few days without internet. That never helps.  Needless to say, the play consumed our lives. But it is over and life and summer have started again. Huzzah!

I may have to set some serious blogging goals to get caught up,  but it is doable.

Today, let's discuss June. She is getting old. She graduated from ninth grade this year and that means High School next year. Sixteen is rapidly approaching for her and that means driving, dating, and her mother trying not to freak out. Lots of fun stuff ahead.

There was a 9th Grade Awards night that we went to. They called up kids for different awards. June actually received many awards, but teachers only could call up two kids to recognize, so June didn't go up for anything special, but she did go up to receive a certificate for having a 4.0 all through Junior High. Good job June!

The best part of the whole evening was these two young boys who sang, "I Believe I Can Fly." They were amazing. I think they are just two boys from the school who tried out for the Sing Off and won.

Afterward, everyone mingled and enjoyed refreshments, music from the Jazz Band, and the end of the year art that Mrs. Hunter put up. (I am really going to miss her next year.)

Here are Christina, June, and Christine looking pleased.

Let's check out some of the end of year art. June did this piece. The kids were supposed to do a landscape. I love that she chose space...

She never got to finish the background of this piece, but it still looks amazing. It looks just like the picture.

These other pieces were not done by June, just ones I really liked. Cardboard art is always so interesting.

And I call this one Bird on Bacon.

This is a fun extended frame.

The music was amazing of course. It was fun to have Robyn there as well. In fact, June went home earlier and I stuck around to give Robyn a ride after the performance. I think she has loved Jazz Band this year. She is doing it again next year, but she will be playing piano most of the time.

So wraps June's experience. This was the best year for her so far. Let's see if High School can top it.

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