Friday, June 29, 2018

UT-tensils to WA-terchestnuts

Let's hop in our handy dandy internet time machine and go back about eight months to last Thanksgiving. I have to get these posts on here before we get to November again, and you'd better believe it is right around the corner. Don't be fooled by the sunny weather and impending fireworks...just blink a few times and you will see Christmas decorations in the stores again.

We often go to ID for Thanksgiving, but with Grandma Cazier on a mission, we decided to take the extra time to go to WA. It is a drive, but worth the wait at the end. So we loaded in the car. And look who is in the back seat.

As you may know, we stop to see interesting things along the way. In Pendleton OR, we stopped to see the Cattle Drive. This was pretty cool. The statues are situated just as you get off the freeway. I dropped everyone off and took Daisy to the bathroom and then we came back to explore.

I like the pieced look of the clay? overlapping on the statues. There was the cattle and some ranchers and a cute dog.

Speaking of dogs, who put Pip up there?

I think this cowboy asked June to hold his lasso. She seems willing.

As you walked around, you could see some people had signed rocks and left them on the statues or nearby on the ground. We are all about making our mark. So we found a rock of our own.

And put it on this particular cow. If you are ever in Pendleton, look us up.

Also in Pendleton is the Frankentank. It is painted and looking a little sad if you ask me.

He's a changeling. On the other side, he looks like this.

Most of the day was driving of course, but Tyler made some fun activity books for the kids. I hope they always remember that he tried to make the trips fun. He had a whole bunch of funny Thanksgiving quotes in the book. This was my favorite.

The requirement is at least one interesting thing a day, but if Tyler can fit in more, he surely will. So when we got to Snoqualmie, he had us go check out a huge tree. They did a lot of logging in that area, and they have the tree on a trailer like thing that they actually used for larger trees. Not sure if they normally did logs quite this big, but they must have run across a few in their time.

From one side and then the other.

This picture of the girls by a totem pole was taken in the same area. I think I missed it because I was parking the car, but they sure look cute. I'm not sure why they are in a ninja pose. Perhaps they are Ninjians. (That is Ninja + Indian.)

We stopped in this cute candy store. They were almost closed but they were kind enough to let us come in and use the bathrooms. They had the cutest picture back by the bathroom. It makes me smile.

Still the man in charge had one more thing for us to see. Sheesh, slave driver. Since we were there, he took us over to Snoqualmie Falls. That is fine, except that you can't see much at night. Oh well...we stood in the spray and enjoyed stretching our legs. We had been sitting most of the day after all.

From there, it was just a hop, skip, and a jump over to the Neilsen's. They asked if we would like to have Thanksgiving with them. So we went there first and spent the night. (My family wasn't doing a traditional Thanksgiving anyway, so it worked out just fine.) We stayed up playing games and enjoying the company. Carter found my phone and took some selfies. Cutie.

Bay and Cannon played with us. They are adorable. Sorry I don't have any great pictures. We played some Head's Up with Camille's phone. We even played the action version where you don't talk but play charades style. I'm sure you can tell what June is doing in the second picture.

It was a total blast. We wore ourselves out. The Neilsen's are always so nice to let us stay at their place. We pile into beds and on the floors and everyone seems to do well. Looks like Dad and Daisy are already fast asleep. Aaahhhh...

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