Thursday, July 5, 2018

Squid for Thanksgiving

As mentioned before, we decided to have Thanksgiving with the Neilsen's. Camille outdid herself. I think she said that she had never really done a Thanksgiving before on her own and everything she made was fantastic. I loved her yams. And the broccoli with Hollandaise sauce was amazing!

The sister missionaries came over for a little bit. We sabered bottles which they hadn't done before, of course, but I believe the Neilsen's hadn't either. We had mini bottles, but they worked just fine, and Eric got his on the first try. Such talent.

A lot of the day we spent playing. The Neilsen's have these fun little suction toys that everyone played with over and over again. We would put them high up on the wall and the kids would jump for them. It was really fun.

There was also this fun little Alligator that everyone loved. You push down his teeth one at a time until he snaps you. It is hard to end up with only one tooth, but we did it several times.

Cute Cannon is sitting and playing a game with Robyn. I wonder if she is playing a real game, or just doing Duolingo?

We played lots of games including Smash Up which was tricky and One Night which we always enjoy. This is a great group.

In the evening, Tyler wanted to go out and see one more weird thing. June and I were dragging our feet, but we eventually caved. Tyler wanted to go out and see this statue of people with birds on their heads. Well, the statue was down by the water and honestly, it wasn't that impressive and there were creepy spiders on it. They hid well, but I can always spot them.

But down by the water, we kept seeing people coming and going with buckets. We decided to investigate. Turns out all these people were catching squid. Squid come back to the Puget sound in the fall to breed and die. There was even an informational board down by the dock.

The dock was very long and there were people lined up all the way down with their fishing poles in the water. There was a constant stream of people reeling in squid. They didn't seem too hard to catch. I guess if you have the right bait.

Everyone was so nice. They answered all our questions and even let us hold a squid. Who knew this was the thing to do on Thanksgiving?

I guess when the squid show up, they show up by the thousands. It was awesome. I have to admit, I was glad that I went to see the statue.

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