Thursday, July 5, 2018

Gotta Visit the Sound

Black Friday, we packed up our bags and left the Neilsen's. We had such a good time with them, and all the kids loved Bay so much. It was sad to say goodbye.

But it was great to go visit the Dargan's. We started playing games right away. We played Mind Trap and Wise and Otherwise. (That might be my favorite game.) The dogs look like they are getting along, but I think Pip was not happy to be in close proximity to April. In general Pip is a solo dog.

In the afternoon, we naturally had to go down to the Sound. It is a tradition. June especially was working on Bio Encounters for Biology. She found some very cool plants.

The Sound is always a great place for a photo op. It is moments like this that I realize how much I love my family and enjoy spending time with them.

We came down to the shore at the wrong time. The tide was almost all the way in. There were still all these cool little snails or creatures on everything. I almost felt bad walking along because you couldn't avoid stepping on some of them.

Eventually I found some crabs under some rocks. The girls always like to try and hold them. It is easier to be brave when you find a good sized crab without his large front pincers. I'm not sure how he lost them, but Pearl and Ivory were both more easily persuaded to take a turn holding him.

It was a good day in WA, overcast and all. We played some more games in the evening including Werewolf. I think that included the classic game when Grandma said, "I know who the werewolves are this time, because I am the minion!" Ah, good times.

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