Friday, July 6, 2018

Gum and Going Home

Our time in WA went quickly. It was a short trip but worth it to see good friends and family. It is always great to play games with the Dargan's. We played some Fan Tan, but as usual the kids creamed me. June was left with a stack of chips. I think I had none by the end. Typical.

We also played some Caveman Telephone. That is always good for a laugh or twenty.

These guys are great!

Tyler spent a little of his time up in Seattle. He went to visit a friend who moved there. He went up for chowder and to put gum on a wall. I'm not sure I have ever been to the gum wall. I'm not sure I'm missing much.

Then it was time to say goodbye and get back on the road. Long trips...are made better by rainbows.

We stopped by a Shopko to use the bathrooms and I was shocked to find these misfits when I came out. You never know who you might find at Shopko...or Walmart for that matter.

One of the interesting things we stopped to see was a rock turtle. I feel like we should go out in the wilds and find some random rock and paint it. Why not?

We also found a shoe tree on the way home. We should have left June's shoes. They were so muddy from the dirt around the turtle, but they didn't have any laces. Shame.

We also found the Middle of Nowhere. Not a bad place. I think there were bathrooms...

Look, we are almost home. Everyone is so excited. Long car rides are fun, but exhausting. Who knew it would be so hard to sit for hours on end. Well...I did know that. But everyone must learn for themselves. It is a right of passage.

But I would say that it was a great Thanksgiving trip. Thanks Neilsen's and Dargan's!

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