Friday, July 27, 2018

Girls Going to Battle

You now know what the first part of our summer consisted of. There was girls camp and then there was the play. I literally didn't feel like Summer started until June 26th. It was the strangest transition.

We were finally able to get back to regular business. One of the things I had a lot of fun with was Activity Days. I have since been released and given the calling of Relief Society Secretary. Daisy was super bummed. She was just about to join the older girls, that I was in charge of, and we missed each other by only a couple weeks. However, we did a few combined activities this summer and that almost makes up for it.

One of our activities that was very fun was a hike to Battlecreek Falls. We have been there before. It is a nice short hike with a great reward at the end. And it is perfect for activity day girls, most of which aren't used to walking a mile at a time. The girls were excited to go.

Even though it is a short hike, there are still places along the way to stop and admire nature, take a break, or have a photo op.

We saw quite a few butterflies on the trail. This picture looks so pretty with the bright yellow against the dusty gray trail.

We found a little cave off the path. I don't think it would be a great place to sleep, but if you needed to get out of the rain for a moment, it wouldn't be bad. It was about three girls deep.

We made it to the falls. Hallelujah. Some girls didn't think they were going to make it. But they were all troopers. We even saw another group of girls up at the falls. Great leader's minds think alike. We have some amazing girls. This isn't all of them, but it was a good showing.

Got a selfie with my Pearly P.

Robyn likes to get on my phone and edit and stylize my pictures. This one made me laugh. It seems very fitting.

Our leaders were awesome. I'm not sure how I missed getting Michelle. She came along to give rides and came on the hike with us. She is always great to chat with. Here are Pam and Abby. Pam is new. I think this was her first activity. She brought her baby and probably had the hardest hike lugging Maia around. But she is the sweetest. I didn't hear a peep out of her. Although I'm not sure I would have complained either if someone decided to carry me on the hike. It was a lovely day, and who doesn't want a free ride? Isn't she the cutest?

 It was a fantastic morning. Short, sweet, healthy. Excellente.

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