Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Nuestro Padre

Father's day is always a great day. We love our dad. I made a very yummy breakfast in the morning, but I forgot to take pictures. But here is a happy clan with empty plates. We'll call that a success. I made these yummy things that we don't have a name for. They are croissants with cream cheese and strawberries inside. Then you dip them in egg batter and cook them just like French toast. The cream cheese and strawberries get all warm and melty. Then you dust them with powdered sugar. Delicious.

It is very hard to decide what to get a guy who buys whatever he wants for himself. (Within reason of course.) We decided to go sentimental this year. Now that all the girls are baptized, we got him framed pictures of him with each of the girls on the day they were baptized.

You can't see them very well, so this is all of them. Gotta show off my cute girls when they were each eight. 

The girls put together a spa for Tyler. He loves being pampered. They had him choose what he'd like to do first. (His back was actually not feeling the best so he skipped the massage altogether.)

The girls had everything planned. It was the ultimate pampering package. Nails being soaked, music being played....

Cucumbers on the eyes and a face mask to peel off later.

Here is one content dad. He has such good girls who love him so. He is a great father. Happy Father's Day!!

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